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I2EQUalEtED CTSP ELEMENTS . <br />The CTSP must minimally include the following a level consistent with available resources <br />and -the complexity of the local environment: <br />Q ELEMENT 1-Assessment, documentation, recommendation and implementation guidance for <br />FUTURE RESOURCES for anticipated funding, capital, personnel, and training needs. New or <br />underutilized federal and/or state, transportation funding programs for targeted populations or services <br />should be incorporated in the planning. <br />Q ELEMENT 2 -Assessment, documentation, recommendation and impleniientation guidance for <br />EXPANDING PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MOBILITY OPTIONS while <br />continuing to coordinate the services of human service agencies to include but not limited to <br />strategies, activities and/or projects to address any identified gaps between current services and needs, <br />as well as opportunities to improve efficiencies in service delivery. <br />H ELEMENT 3 - A determination of SERVICE PRIORITIES for implementation based on resources <br />(from multiple program sources), time, and feasibility for implementing specific strategies and/or <br />activities identified . <br />Q ELEMENT 4 -The development of a mission statement, objectives and metrics for MEASURING <br />PERFORMANCE that support result-based budgeting and utilizes state performance standards and <br />benchmarking. <br />Q ELEMENT S -Includes IMPLEMENTA.I3LE RECOMMENDATIONS b~ delineated plan <br />elements listed above. Should include an implementation schedule, milestones and timelines for <br />recommendations. <br />H ELEMENT 6 - A complete description of the specific activities and techniques used to get PUBLIC <br />INVOLVEMENT in the planning process. The planning process will include the use of a Steering <br />Committee that meets not Less than three times during the process to provide oversight and to monitor <br />the progress on the work plan. Interviews with a sampling of public officials, TAB members, human <br />service agencies, non participating human service agencies, area employers, transit users, non users <br />from the targeted populations and private providers should be scheduled. Surveys, focus groups, <br />public hearings and empirical data are other techniques that should be used for getting public input. <br />