Orange County NC Website
~4 <br />Coanmunity 'Transportation Service Plan {C~'SP) <br />Scope of Work <br />VISION STATEMENT <br />To ensure that the community transportation systems in North Carolina aze making a strategically planned <br />response to the projected mobility needs of the general public and targeted populations in their service <br />area, and continuously improving and achieving excellence in all aspects of their service delivery and <br />management. <br />PURPOSE <br />To describe the current performance and organizational direction of the transit system and to recommend <br />strategies of operating or mauaging that increase mobility options for passengers and improve the <br />efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and transportation services. This community <br />transportation plan must be developed through a public education and involvement process that includes <br />the general public, private and non profit transportation providers, human service providers and targeted <br />populations that include individuals with disabilities, low incomes and limited English proficiency (LEP}. <br />The result of this planning effort should produce overall goals that the community can support, <br />PRIMARY OB3ECTiVES FOR COST PARTICIPATION BY NCDOT <br />This document will be used as the principle guide in the accomplishment of the following: <br />^ Promotion of transit options that provide meaningful alternatives to citizens and connectivity of <br />transportation services throughout the state; <br />^ Promotion of the full integration of the community transportation system's 1'TO ams with other <br />federal and state programs supporting public and human service transportation. <br />^ Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal/state funded transportation programs <br />^ Support and promote the coordination of public transportation services across geographies, <br />jurisdictions, and program areas for the development of a seamless transportation network <br />^ Support the provision of dependable mobility transportation options to the general public, low <br />income individuals, elderly persons, and/or persons with disabilities within the guidelines and <br />funding levels provided by NCDOT and FFA <br />" Support and encourage defensible, results-based budset requests and submissions from systems to <br />NCDOT for funding. <br />NCDOT PLANNING PARTICIPATION <br />~ The Mobility Development Specialist assigned to the service area will serve on the Steering <br />Committee and attend other meetings that include presentations of technical memorandums and <br />the draft final reports. <br />• The Mobility Development Specialist, prior to the initiation of the study will coordinate the <br />gathering of the following data and information: <br />1. A copy of the last approved five-year plan, if available. <br />2. A copy of current Performance Plan survey analysis conducted by ITRE. <br />-_3 An inventory of available capital assets and vehicle utilization data = (P`TMS) <br />4. A summary of state and federal funding <br />5. A summary of operating statistical data for trend analysis <br />6. A basic service description and characteristics <br />7. A list of TAB Board Membership <br />