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..12 <br />6.2.1 Executive Summary - provide a synopsis of the key elements contained in the <br />plan. <br />6.2.2 Tinplementation Plan -discuss recommended alteznatives and identify specific <br />action steps to be addressed. The plan should be at a level consistent with <br />available resources to address needs identified within the services area.. <br />Marketing recommendations should be included. <br />6.2.3 Implementation Schedule - develop a prioritized implementation schedule that <br />includes tasks by month and state fiscal year and that is based on resources, time, <br />and the feasibility of implementation. Marketing activities should be included. <br />6.2.4 Financial Plan - develop a five-year administrative, operations, and capital <br />financial plan. Include projected federal, state and local assistance and <br />incorporate a strategy to adjust fares or rates to ensure the system has at Least a <br />three-month operating reserve. Identify the fully allocated costs and address casts <br />by service. <br />6.2.5 Performance Measurement Plan -include the mission statement, objectives and <br />goals for measuring the performance of the transit system. <br />6.2.6 Public Involvement Description - include a record of all the interviews, surveys, <br />focus groups, public forums and/or meetings used to collect input during the <br />development of the plan. The record should include date, location, time and a list <br />of attendees. <br />TASK 7 -]Present the Draft Plan at the final meetnng of the Steering Committee. Meeting. <br />Content Area 7.1: FINAL MEETING OR THE STEERING COMMITTEE <br />A presentation of the Draft Plan will be made to the Steering Committee, TAB members, <br />authorized official, county manager, county finance manager, members of the public <br />governing body, and/or other interested groups. Comments will be solicited and <br />considered for incorporation for the Final Plan. <br />TASI{ S -Provide final project deliverables to NCDU7C and the public governing body for <br />adoption. <br />Content Area 8.1: DRAFT PLAN TO FINAL PLAN STEPS <br />A. Send Draft Plan to sponsoring organization, public governing body and NCDOT <br />for final review and return all cowmen#s within ten working days. Submit all <br />comments directly to assigned Mobility Development Specialist for coordination <br />and distribution. <br />B. The consultant will revise the Draft Plan if necessary and return it for comment. <br />This process will continue until there are no more comments and the plan <br />becomes the Final Draft Plan. <br />C. The Final Draft Plan should be approved within 30 days of receipt. When <br />approved, the sponsoring organization or public governing body will send a letter <br />to the NCDOT stating acceptance of the plan. <br />D. NCDOT will notify the consultant when the plan is accepted. <br />Content Area 8.2: FINAL PLAN APPROVAL MEETING WITH GOVERNING BODY <br />A final meeting will be scheduled and held for elected officials, transportation system <br />directors, commission and boazd members, and other stakeholders to discuss the -findings <br />of the study and address any questions on the report. <br />Content Area 8.3: FINAL PROTECT DELIVERABLES <br />A. The consultant will present one copy of all information contained in the Final <br />Plan in electronic format. This information should be easily convertible to <br />HTML or web based format. <br />