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11 <br />'T'ASK 5 -Present Alternatives in Technical Memorandum #2 at the Second Steering <br />Committee Meeting and solicit public comment. <br />Content Area 5.1: PREPARATION OF TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM #2 <br />A. The Technical Memorandum #2 will summarize the findings of Task 3 and Task 4 <br />and describe alternatives to the existing management and operation of the <br />coordinated transit system. <br />B: The advantages and disadvantages of each alternative and the detailed costs <br />associated with each alternative should be included. It is important for local officials <br />to see all additional cost and revenues associated with each service design <br />improvement and alternative. These alternatives are derived from all the data that <br />has been described, collected and analyzed since the beginning of the study and on <br />transit industry best practices. <br />' C. The Technical Memorandum #2 must be submitted to NCDOT in a format described <br />by NCDOT, at least ten working days prior to the initial steering committee. <br />D. The consultant is responsible for the timely distribution of copies of the Technical <br />Memorandum #2, by email or regular mail as necessary, to the members of ttie <br />steering committee, the county manager and the authorized. official before the <br />committee meeting. <br />Content Area 5.2: SECOND STEERIIVG COMMITTEE MEETING <br />A: Summarize and present the alternatives recommended in the Technical Memorandum <br />#2. <br />B. The Steering Committee will discuss the alternatives, recommend changes and/or <br />select the alternatives they feel should be included in the final report. <br />C. The consultant will include a record of the meeting and a list of attendees in the <br />Public Involvement Section of the Draft Plan. . <br />D. The consultant will send out a summary of the meeting to the Steering Committee. <br />Content Area 5.3: PUBLIC EDUCATION AND PUBLIC YNVOLVEMENT <br />A. The consultant will present Technical Memorandum #2 to the Transportaxion <br />Advisory Board for comments. <br />B. The Steering Committee will plan and execute at least one public forum to present <br />the alternatives and receive public comments. The consultant will attend the public <br />forum to present the alternatives he/she is recommending. Other means of public <br />education and public involvement may be planned in addition to the public forum(s) <br />including website postings, focus groups, on-board copies, placement of copies at <br />community centers, publication in local newspapers, email attachments andlor <br />presentations at clubs and organizations in the service area. The consultant will <br />include a record of any public involvement action or meeting that is taken in. the <br />Public Involvement Section of the Draft Plan. <br />C. Copies of Technical Memorandum #2 will be shared for continent with the county <br />manager, county finance officer, the authorized official and other public officials as <br />determined by the Steering Committee. <br />7Ct~-SK 6 --Develop the Draft Plan <br />Content Area 6.1: COMBINE TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMS AND COMMENTS INTO A DRAFT PLAN <br />Combine all the technical memorandums into a single drat plan considering all the <br />comments and recommended changes provided. <br />Content Area 6.2: FIVE-YEAR DRAFT PLAN <br />Based on the recommended service and/or management alternative(s), develop a detailed <br />five-year Implementation and Financial Plan to include the following elements: <br />