Agenda - 08-17-2010 - 6d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-17-2010 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 08-17-2010 - 6d
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/16/2010 10:30:09 AM
Creation date
8/16/2010 10:30:06 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 08-17-2010
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2010
RES-2010-047 Resolution Calling For November 2, 2010 Special Advisory Referendum Concerning the Levy of a One-Quarter Cent (1/4 ) County Sales & Use Tax
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2010
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"Collection of the tax, and liability therefore, must begin and continue only on and after <br />the first day of a calendar quarter, as set by the Board of County Commissioners in the <br />resolution levying the tax. In no event may the tax be imposed, or the tax rate changed, <br />earlier than the first day of the second succeeding calendar month after the date of the <br />adoption of the resolution. The County must give the Secretary at least 90 days advance <br />notice of a new tax levy or rate change." <br />If the voters of Orange County approve the Special Advisory Referendum on November 2, 2010 <br />and the Board approves a resolution to levy the tax before December 31, 2010, the new One- <br />Quarter Cent (1/4¢) County Sales and Use Tax could begin on April 1, 2011. <br />After hearing public comments, the Board will further discuss proposed uses for the One- <br />Quarter Cent sales tax revenues at a work session on August 19, 2010. After discussing <br />potential uses, it is the intent of the Board to formulate language for a resolution addressing the <br />potential uses for consideration at the Board's September 2, 2010 regular meeting. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with holding a public hearing on <br />potential uses for aOne-Quarter Cent (1/4¢) County additional Sales and Use Tax. <br />If a majority of voters approve the sales tax and the Board of Commissioners implements the <br />sales tax on April 1, 2011, the Article 46 sales and use tax would generate approximately <br />$2,300,000 annually for the County. The sales tax would generate approximately $575,000 <br />during the remainder/last quarter of FY 2010-11. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br />1) Hold the public hearing on potential uses for aOne-Quarter Cent (1/4¢) <br />County additional Sales and Use Tax; <br />2) Review and discuss proposed uses of the potential sales tax revenues; <br />3) Provide any direction to staff in preparation for the Board's further <br />discussion of potential uses at the Board's August 19, 2010 work session; <br />and <br />4) Provide direction to staff on next steps relating to any public education <br />efforts to ensure voters are knowledgeable regarding the ballot question in <br />the resolution. <br />
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