Orange County NC Website
Bin ham District $149,179 <br />Cha el Hill Townshi District $73,184 <br />TOTAL $240,626 <br />Projected Future Expenditures <br />The Parks and Open Space Subdivision Payment-in-Lieu program is designed to provide funds to help purchase land and provide <br />park/open space facilities for different areas of the County. Each new subdivision pays an amount based number of lots created. The <br />funds are paid into 4 geographic district accounts, and must be expended in that district for parkland or open space acquisition, or <br />facilities, to serve the residents in the district. <br />It is anticipated that this funding source would in part help to pay for the acquisition of lands for the future Northeast and Southwest <br />Orange parks, as well as helping to pay for open space lands and facilities at existing or new parks. <br /> <br />