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Department of Environment, Agriculture, and Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) <br />7. The Department of Environment, Agriculture, and Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) has <br />received a donation of $2,500 from St. Matthew's Episcopal Church in Hillsborough to <br />be used for a heavy duty bin to be attached to the utility room at Fairview Park. This bin <br />will be used to store recreational equipment for the park in a secure place. This budget <br />amendment provides for the receipt of these donated funds for the above stated <br />purpose. (See Attachment 1, column 5) <br />Department of Social Services <br />8. At its April 20, 2010 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners approved the <br />acceptance of Subsidized Employment Program funds of $302,052 from the N.C. <br />Division of Social Services for FY 2009-10. At June 30, $107,268 of these funds had <br />not been spent and needs to be re-budgeted in FY 2010-11 in order to receive the <br />reimbursements. These funds will be used to support short term employment <br />(temporary positions) for Work First recipients through September 30, 2010. This <br />amendment provides for the budgeting of these funds in the department's fiscal year <br />2010-11 budget for the above stated purpose. (See Attachment 1, column 6) <br />Solid Waste Enterprise Fund <br />9. The Solid Waste Enterprise Fund has received donated funds of $5,000 from the <br />American Chemistry Council's (ACC) Plastics Division. The department plans to use <br />these funds to help promote public education of their Rigid Plastics Drop-off Recycling <br />Program through additional signage, news releases, published articles, and web <br />presence. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these donated funds for <br />the above stated purpose. (See Attachment 1, column 7) <br />Carry Forwards <br />10.On June 30 of each year, there are instances where approved funding for certain Board <br />approved initiatives is not fully expended at the end of the fiscal year, and the <br />unexpended monies revert to the County's fund balance. In order for the County to fulfill <br />financial obligations related to these appropriations, the Board must re-appropriate fund <br />balance in the next fiscal year for these planned expenditures. For FY 2010-11, the <br />General Fund Balance appropriation request is $26,414. These carry forwards consist <br />of the following: (1) $3,520 in donated Frail Elderly funds in the Department on Aging; <br />(2) $15,750 in donations to the Little River Park for the purchase of new park <br />equipment; and (3) $7,144 in USDA Farm Bill Grant funds and NC Matching Grant <br />funds within the Soil and Water division. <br />In order to carry funds forward and authorize their expenditure in Fiscal Year 2010-11, it <br />is necessary for the Board to appropriate $26,414 from the General Fund's fund <br />balance. (See Attachment 1, column 8) <br />