Orange County NC Website
- ::.~~ <br />6. Confirmation of Contract with DMG for User Fee Study <br />- To confirm the contract with David M. Griffith and Co. to perform a user fee <br />study fox Orange County for a total fee of $24,399 and to authorize the Chair to sign <br />the contract. <br />VOTE; UNANIMOUS. <br />G. ITEMS FOR DECISION--REGULAR AGENDA <br />1. Continuation of Transportation Funding of OCIM Child Care Project <br />Jahn Link reported that OCIM's new van has not arrived and recommended that the <br />County continue to spend up to the $4,000 appropriated for transportation and that at <br />that point the Department of Aging should then begin billing OCIM for transportation <br />costs on a monthly basis. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis to <br />approve the Manager's recommendation as stated above. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />2. CIP Schedule and Management Structure (A copy of the schedule and management <br />structure is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office). <br />John Link presented the CIP Schedule and recommended the establishment of a CIP <br />Project Management Team. He explained that to assure that the CIP project schedule is <br />successfully met, one person needs to be assigned certain management responsibilities. <br />He recommends that Pam Jones assume that role and that a position of Purchasing Agent I <br />be established in the Purchasing Department. Costs for the position for the months of <br />February-June is $14,200 and he recommends these funds come from County Commissioners' <br />contingency Fund. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Marshall to <br />approve the preliminary CIF schedule, the creation of a Purchasing Agent I position and <br />that costs for this new position come from the County Commissioners' contingency fund. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />3. Zoning Atlas Amendments <br />a. Z-5-88 Starpoint Partners <br />The property is located on the west side of Smith Level Road approximately <br />100 feet north of the intersection with U.S. Highway 15-501. It is known as Iot 19B <br />and part of lot 19 of Tax Map 120 in Chapel Hill Township. The property proposed for <br />rezoning contains approximately 8.88 acres. The current zoning on the property is CC-3 <br />and PW-II. The proposed zoning is EC-5 and PW-II. The proposed rezoning to EC5 is <br />consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and JPA Land Use Plan. The rezoning is requested <br />in order to have warehousing as a permitted use. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Willhoit <br />to approve rezoning the property from Community Commercial 3 to Existing Commercial 5. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS." <br />b. Z-6-88 Dale G. Davis <br />The property is located on the north side of US Highway 70 approximately <br />385 feet west of .the intersection with Buckhorn Road (SR 1114). The applicant is <br />requesting a rezoning on Lot 9 of Tax Map 25 - Cheek's Township. The property proposed <br />to be rezoned contains 51.712 square feet or 1.19 acres. The current zoning on the <br />property is R-1 (Rural Residential) and PW-II. The proposed zoning is EC-5 and FWII. <br />The applicant indicates that the existing use was in operation in 1984 when Cheeks <br />Township was zoned. The existing commercial building is located on two lots and the <br />lot line runs through the building. Only one of these lots was zoned commercial in <br />1984. The applicant is requesting the other lot be rezoned to allow the building to <br />