Orange County NC Website
_..~ <br />Commissioner Don Willhoit summarized the report. He noted that the <br />consultants favor mass burning. The report gives information on various ways to <br />finance mass burning. A number of additional meetings and public hearings will be held <br />before final recommendations are made. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked for an update on what the County is doing to <br />promote recycling inhouse and what other municipalities and the University is doing. <br />He asked that County employees set a proper role model for others to follow. <br />Discussion ensued on the landfill fees and the equipment that may be necessary <br />to reduce that amount which goes into the landfill. <br />F. ITEMS FOR DECISION T CONSENT AGENDA <br />(Any item may be removed for separate consideration) <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Halkiotis <br />to approve the items on the Consent Agenda as listed below: <br />1. CONVALESCENT TRANSPORT CONTRACT <br />To approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Convalescent Transport Contract <br />with Durham County Hospital Corporation to provide convalescent transports for Orange <br />County residents from 5:30 p.m, until 11:00 p.m. Monday through Friday and 7:00 a.m. <br />until 11:00 p.m. on Saturday and .Sunday effective December 5, 1988 with no expiration <br />date specified. <br />2. TAX REFUNDS <br />To approve the following refund of tax bills: <br />Acct. # 111769 - Jose M. & Maria Teixeira - $171.60 <br />Acct. # 56815 -Michael Schur - $350.92 <br />Acct. # 8700734- Kevin J. Chapman - $316.25 <br />3. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN FROGRAM <br />Ta authorize the execution of the Forward Commitment Purchase and Financing <br />Agreement for the Home Improvement Loan Program (HILP) and authorize the Chair to sign <br />on behalf of the Board. <br />4. CDBG CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN <br />Removed from the Consent Agenda and placed as item G.O. <br />5. BUDGET ORDINANCE AMENDMENT <br />To amend the 1988-89 Budget Ordinance to provide for an expenditure of $19,400 <br />from the General Fund Contingency account for the purpose of contracting with David M. <br />Griffith and Associates to undertake a user fee study. <br />6. CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE <br />To adopt the Fublic Works Administrative Building Capita]. Project Ordinance as <br />stated below: <br />PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING <br />CAPITAL PROJECT ORDINANCE <br />Be it ordained by the Board of County Commissioners that pursuant to Section 13.2 <br />of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes of North Carolina the following capital project <br />ordinance is hereby adopted: <br />SECTION 1. The project authorized is the construction of the Administration <br />Building at the Public Works Facility. The project will be financed by <br />