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<br />-- the same as that in State enabling legislation, so are <br />recommending that it be included. <br />(2) An administrative mechanism to simplify the approval process <br />is being worked out. The intent is to develop a document <br />with consistent format which would be approved along with the <br />Preliminary Plat and include a specific list of all <br />requirements to be met in order for the plat to be recorded. <br />This document would serve as a checklist and when all items <br />were completed, the Final Plat could be recorded. This would <br />be a simple way for staff and the applicant to keep track of <br />remaining conditions. This administrative document would <br />reflect the intent of the ordinance. <br />(3) This change includes comments from the Planning Director <br />regarding the provision that the Planning Department would <br />record the Final Plat. There is a conflict in the wording in <br />that in the one paragraph it states that the applicant <br />records the plat while the next paragraph refers to the <br />Planning Department being responsible for recordation. That <br />can be resolved by eliminating any reference to the <br />applicant's responsibility in having the plat recorded. <br />The remainder of the changes are editorial and for the most part <br />relate to the County's responsibility to act on subdivisions within the <br />designated timelines. <br />On November 9 all committee members were sent a copy of the draft <br />'°-' amendments and it was found that those copies sent through the mail were not <br />received until November 15. No comments have been received from committee <br />members but Scearbo stated she felt that the majority of their concerns have been <br />addressed. <br />Commissioner Hartwell expressed concern with the duplication of <br />functions and did not understand why the Planning Department needed copies of <br />recorded plats. Ms. Scearbo responded that if the Planning Staff had easy access <br />to those records copies would not be necessary. There are times when a deed <br />needs to be researched for a subdivision project and Planning Staff has to go to <br />the Register of Deeds Office to obtain the information. This can cause <br />unnecessary delays in the process of the application. Commissioner Hartwell <br />continued expressing opposition to the maintaining of such distributive data in <br />more than one location referring to the cost to the County as well as the <br />maintenance of the integrity of documents such as plats. <br />Commissioner Marshall stated that she felt monies spent an <br />duplications would be better spent on the GIS and building so that all those <br />offices would vbe near enough to each other to obtain information easily. <br />Gommissioner Hartwell also expressed opposition to the Planning <br />Department recording the plats as well as maintaining two sets of records. <br />Planning Director, Marvin Collins stated that the Flanning <br />Department is not attempting do maintain a second set of retards but to do its <br />job. He noted that there had been instances in other jurisdictions where he had <br />