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r - :1 <br />- presented is a product of those committee meetings. <br />Scearbo summarized briefly the concepts underlying the proposed <br />amendments as presented on August 22 and the concerns expressed at that hearing, <br />discussed the activity of the committee and finally highlighted the changes made <br />as a result of the committee meetings. <br />Basically, the amendments seek to accomplish three things: <br />1) To involve the Planning Board in the approval of a Concept <br />Plan prior to preliminary plat submittal. This would give the <br />Planning Board mare input during the early phases of plan <br />development. The Final Plat, on the other hand, would be <br />approved by the Planning Staff when all preliminary plat <br />conditions are met. <br />2) The material to be shown on the preliminary and final plat is <br />specified more clearly and is pulled together in one section <br />of the Subdivision Regulations. <br />3) To clarify all steps necessary for plat approval. <br />The intent is to make the requirements for subdivision approval <br />more understandable and to gain input from the Planning Board at an earlier <br />stage. This is a benefit to the applicant in that potential problems and <br />-~ conflicts may be identified earlier in the development process. <br />There were several concerns expressed at the first hearing. Land <br />-~' Records and the Register of Deeds pointed out that there was too much information <br />required on the face of the plat, making it difficult for the public to <br />understand. There were also questions from the Orange County Bar Association and <br />the Society of <br />Surveyors concerning legality of some of the provisions and costs <br />to the developer. <br />The committee established to revise the draft included the County <br />Manager, Planning Board Chair Barry Jacobs, Register of Deeds Betty .Tune Hayes, <br />Land Records Manager Roscoe Reeve, Robin Lackey and Guido de Maera of the Orange <br />County Bar Association, Walter Kleckley of the Society of Surveyors and Planner <br />Mary Scearbo. Two meetings were held and a number of changes were made. Scearbo <br />stated that in addition, she met with both the Register of Deeds and Land Records <br />Manager to learn more about the specific problems which they had experienced. <br />The draft amendment iri the agenda packet is a crossout-underline <br />document which shows the changes made since the last hearing. The more <br />substantial items are summarized as follows: <br />1) As much information as possible was removed from the face of <br />the final plat. To accomplish this, certain restrictions or <br />requirements including landscaping and buffers, impervious <br />surface data, lots of restricted development, and stormwater <br />control data will be recorded as a separate document with <br />cross-reference between the plat book and deed book. <br />