material, a material must meet the requirements of N.C.G.S. ~ 130-
<br />309.05(c).
<br />28. Recyclable construction and demolition material. clean wood waste and
<br />metals (except closed drums and tanks) resulting generally from
<br />construction, remodeling, repair, or demolition operations on pavement,
<br />buildings, or other structures.
<br />29. Recyclable material. The term "recyclable material" includes, but is not
<br />limited, to, recyclable construction and demolition materials, aluminum,
<br />drink boxes, corrugated cardboard and Kraft paper, glass bottles and jars,
<br />magazines, ferrous and nonferrous scrap metals, motor oil, newspaper,
<br />office paper, scrap paper, plastic bottles including milk jugs, soda
<br />bottles, steel and tin cans, telephone directories, yard waste, cooking
<br />grease, clean wood waste, rubble, food waste when exclusively source-
<br />separated for composting, and other materials as may be specified by the
<br />Board of County Commissioners.
<br />30. Recycling. The process by which solid waste or recovered materials are
<br />collected, separated, or processed, and reused or returned to use in the
<br />form of raw materials or products.
<br />31. Regulated recyclable material. The recyclable material as set forth in
<br />Paragraph 1 of SECTION III of this Ordinance.
<br />32. Regulated recyclable material collector. any person who collects regulated
<br />recyclable waste.
<br />33. Sludge. any solid, semisolid, or liquid waste generated from a municipal,
<br />commercial, institutional or industrial wastewater treatment plant, water
<br />supply treatment plant, or air pollution control facility, or any other
<br />waste having similar characteristics and effects.
<br />34. Solid waste. construction and demolition waste; regulated recyclable
<br />material; hazardous or nonhazardous garbage; refuse or sludge from a waste
<br />treatment plant, water supply treatment plant, or air pollution control
<br />facility; domestic sewage and sludges generated by the treatment thereof in
<br />sanitary sewage collection, treatment, and disposal systems; and any other
<br />material that is either discarded or is being accumulated, stored, or
<br />treated prior to being discarded, or has served its original intended use
<br />and is generally discarded, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained
<br />gaseous material resulting from industrial, institutional, commercial, and
<br />agricultural operations, and from community activities. The term does not
<br />include:
<br />a. Fecal waste from fowls and animals other than humans.
<br />b. Solid or dissolved material in:
<br />1) Domestic sewage and sludges generated by treatment thereof in
<br />sanitary sewage collection, treatment and disposal systems which are
<br />designed to discharge effluents to the surface waters.
<br />2) Irrigation return flows.
<br />3) Wastewater discharges and the sludges incidental to and generated by
<br />treatment which are point sources subject to permits granted under
<br />13
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