Orange County NC Website
eF~ _ ^ti <br />Y <br />make it very clear that the County does not want water and sewer in certain <br />Z„ ENO MOUNTAIN ROAD UPDATE <br />John Link explained that the attached letter from J. W. Watkins ,. DOT <br />Division engineer indicates that Eno Mountain Road is closely aligned with the <br />Hillsborough Thoroughfare Plan, and represents the best solution with current <br />available funding. Piedmont Mineral officials desire a resolution from the <br />County Commissioners which indicates the Board's willingness to abandon right- <br />of-way of the old Ena Mountain Road without adherence to the Thoroughfare <br />Plan. <br />Discussion ensued and Phillip Whitaker, Hillsborough's Town Manager, <br />showed on a map the alignment that would be achieved by this pro3ect. <br />Commissioner Hartwell made reference to the intersection o£ Mayo and <br />Orange Grove Road and emphasized that a dangerous situation will be created by <br />not aligning these two roads. <br />Acting Chairman Carey stated that the Board should encourage <br />Hillsborough to look at their thoroughfare plan and conform to it as much as <br />__.._. possible. <br />Gledhill pointed out that NCDOT will not use condemnation to acquire <br />right-of-way for secondary roads. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Acting Chairman <br />Carey to (1) change the resolution to conform with the request of Piedmont <br />Minerals, (2) submit a resolution to the Town of Hillsborough requesting that <br />they petition DOT for additional funds in next years DOT budget to improve the <br />intersection and bridge and to petition the Town of Hillsborough to accomplish <br />the realignment of this road through their planning process and development <br />approval process. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />special areas and will keep it out at all costs. <br />Commissioner Marshall questioned the wastewater treatment <br />capabilities o£ Hillsborough and emphasized the need to have something in <br />the policy about the capability o£ the Hillsborough wastewater treatment plant <br />facility. Gledhill indicated this could be handled through the development <br />review process. <br />After an extended .discussion, it was decided to add to the end o£ <br />policy statement two "to include distribution and treatment capacity of said <br />utility." <br />The two policy statements will be included in the draft policy that <br />will go to public hearing on November 28, 1988. <br />8. AMENDMENTS TO SEWER RU ES REGULATIONS AND SEWER BILLING AND <br />COLLECTING AGREEMENT <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hartwell to approve the amendment to the Sewer Rules/Regulations and Sewer/ <br />Billing Agreement to Article V "Deposit" reducing the billing deposit to <br />$30.00 for all customers with a three months period to make this payment and <br />to amend the Sewer Billing and Collecting Agreement with Orange-Alamance Water <br />System to reflect the new deposit amount. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />H APPOINTMENTS <br />• 1. ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD - JEAN HAMILTON FROM ENO TOWNSHIP FOR <br />THE AT LARGE VACANCY. <br />