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-~ . <br />and Health Promotion) and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />4. CHARTER FOR THE ORANGE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS (Copy of the <br />document is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office). <br />Approve the Charter for the Orange County Assembly o£ Local Governments as <br />presented on September 20, 1988 with the effective date 30 days after its adoption. <br />5. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNDING BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY <br />Approve the release of $7,609.37 by the General Assembly to TJCOG to assist <br />local governments in their economic development activities and authorize the Chair to <br />sign. <br />6. PETITION FOR ADDITION OF BOULDER SLUFF ROAD TO THE STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY <br />ROAD SYSTEM <br />To approve the petition from NCDOT for addition of Boulder Bluff in Wolf's <br />Pond Subdivision to the State-maintained Secondary Road System. <br />7. REQUEST BY LARRY GLISSON FOR PARTIAL WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY <br />Approve a partial width right-of-way for Mr. and Mrs. Larry Glisson to be <br />built to Orange County's Class C Private road standards. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />G. ITEMS FOR DECISION r„ REGULAR AGENDA <br />1. ALERT CABLE TV FRANGHISE <br />. County Attorney Geoff Gledhill questioned who would be the surviving <br />corporation and was told by Doug Keel of Alert Cable that it is a change of ownership <br />and that Cablevision Industries will be the surviving corporation and will own Alert <br />Cable TV of North Carolina Inc, who will retain its identity as such. Orange County <br />will continue to do business with Alert Cable Television of North Carolina. <br />Gledhill referred to a letter he wrote dated August 1 which explains the <br />status between Orange County and Alert Cable T.V. of North Carolina, Inc. Prior to <br />June of 1987 Alert Cable T.V. was operating with a franchise under which they had been <br />operating prior to the County awarding a franchise generally to what is now Prime. <br />Alert requested that it be allowed to operate everywhere in Orange County and Orange <br />County went through the process and awarded a franchise to Alert Cable T.V, of North <br />Carolina Inc, allowing it to operate everywhere in the unincorporated areas of the <br />County. That franchise has not been accepted. The Cable Television Ordinance of <br />Orange County requires acceptance within thirty days. It provides however that there <br />must be an affirmative action on the part of the Board to revoke the franchise and <br />that Alert be given notice of any such revocation. The Board needs to make a decision <br />in this matter. The reasan Alert has not accepted the franchise is that there has <br />been negotiations between Alert and Prime about merging and that if they were to <br />merge, there would be no reason far Alert to accept the new franchise because Prime <br />would be the survivor and Prime already has a franchise. <br />Doug Keel of Alert stated that there has been several delays since the <br />announcement of the intent to merge Wometco and Cabelvision. The merger discussions <br />are still continuing and he is looking at a December 1 closing. He asked that the <br />Board leave it open ended until the first meeting in February. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Hartwell about enforcing the <br />provisions of the franchise, Gledhill explained that Alert Cable T.V. of North <br />Carolina, Inc. is operating under an existing permitted use franchise. It has a <br />franchise to operate where it presently operates and is operating consistent with the <br />original franchise. It has no authority to operate under the new franchise because it <br />