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Io <br />Work Plan /Performance Measures <br />SeniorNet Volunteers perform several tasks year 'round to recruit and educate senior class <br />participants: <br />(1) (1st meeting) Council members, along with being an instructor, determine policy, publicity, <br />maintenance, curriculum, type of skilled personnel needed and schedule classes. <br />(2nd meeting) Instructors and coaches discuss the year's goals, propose schedules and delegate <br />(2) Maintenance of computers <br />(3) Volunteer Program Coordinator facilitates the entire local program. <br />(4) Trained SeniorNet RSVP instructors and coaches will teach students across 12 courses that meet <br />twice weekly over 9 months at the Chapel Hill Senior Center. Training is on the job from learning <br />the curriculum as a coach to working alongside an instructor in class. <br />20 SeniorNet RSVP volunteers will serve 1800 hours for the year (approximately 5o hours a week for <br />36 weeks). Students pay a yearly membership fee of $40 to SeniorNet and $25 per course to cover <br />the cost of equipment maintenance and course resources. Scholarships are available to eligible <br />students. The computers are grant - funded through SeniorNet. Each volunteer instructor and coach <br />will receive approximately 24 hours annually of in -class free training. The program is fully <br />volunteer- supported with no paid staff. Chapel Hill Senior Center provides space, utilities and <br />Internet connection. RSVP provides its standard benefits package and recognition. Of the total <br />number of students participating in classes for this measurement period, go% will be taught by RSVP <br />Page 17 <br />