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should be solicited. He emphasized that the County would not put in <br />any lines or anything that is inconsistent with the Land Use Plan. He <br />asked how the Extension Policy applies to the new elementary school <br />in the Rural Buffer without creating a "strip" down NC 86. He also <br />expressed concern with the reference to developments containing 500 <br />acres. <br />Collins responded that the school property is in two Land Use Plan <br />classifications, R-1 and Rural Buffer. Water and sewer may be extended <br />to the school as an essential public service. Collins continued <br />explaining development restrictions within the R-1 and Rural Buffer <br />classifications. He noted that the master-planned development <br />projects which Hartwell referred to consisting of at least 500 acres <br />would create the advantage of master planning for large tracts of land <br />as opposed to "piece-meal" development. There is also the option of <br />incentives (density bonuses) which allow for a portion to be developed <br />as low/moderate income housing which could be one of the answers to <br />affordable housing. <br />Collins stated that a 500-acre limit would insure that there would be <br />large projects to achieve goals and large master planning would be <br />encouraged. <br />Commissioner Hartwell expressed faith in "piece-meal" development. <br />Commissioner Marshall indicated that she felt the large master planning <br />_,. was good for developers who could do large projects but individuals <br />would be at a disadvantage. She expressed the desire that individuals <br />i:..;,,.:, be considered first. She also noted that she did not feel that a golf <br />-~-~ course preserved the idea of "rural character" in the same way as open <br />land. She stated the County should not go against the Land Use Plan <br />and extend sewer lines into the Rural Buffer except in the case of a <br />health hazard. <br />Acting Chair Moses Carey asked about the five-year payback period <br />referenced in the goal related to financial participation. John Link, <br />indicated that a three to five year payback period is the most common <br />practice in such projects. <br />Commissioner Hartwell talked about the previous prohibition of public <br />water and sewer in the Rural Buffer. He noted that if the County did <br />run water and sewer lines in that buffer, perhaps the possible future <br />failure of septic systems would be avoided. <br />Commissioner Marshall stated that she felt once the Rural Character <br />Study was completed, the Water/Sewer Policy could be amended and if <br />found appropriate to allow public water and sewer in some parts of the <br />Rural Suffer. She felt that every problem and issue could not be <br />addressed at one time. <br />Lindsey Efland did agree with the extension of public water and sewer <br />services in the watersheds and rural buffer. He noted that the <br />statement regarding the extension needed clarification and that two <br />separate thoughts were included in one extremely long, complicated <br />