2006 NS Health - Renewal of Consolidated Agreement Between Health Department & NC Department of Health & Human Services
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2006 NS Health - Renewal of Consolidated Agreement Between Health Department & NC Department of Health & Human Services
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Last modified
8/28/2012 3:49:41 PM
Creation date
8/4/2010 12:46:36 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Consolidated A~eemeni -Final Page 11 Of 18 <br />2. The Department shall complete IdFiS Form 690, Assurance of Compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights <br />Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title 1X of the Education Amendments of 1972, <br />and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. <br />3. The American with Disabilities Act 1990 (ADA) makes it unlawful to discriminate in employment against a <br />qualified individual with a disability and outlaws discrimination against individuals with disabilities in State <br />and local government services and public accommodations. The Department certifies that it and its <br />principals and subcontractors will comply with regulations in ADA Title I (Employment), Title R (Public <br />Services), and Title III (Public Accommodations) in fulfilling the obligations under this agreement. <br />G. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE STATE <br />1. The State shall provide to the Department regulaz training, and, upon request, technical assistance in the <br />preparation of the Consolidated Agreement and Agreement Addenda. <br />2. The State shall conduct liaison activities with local health departments for general problem solving and <br />technical support. <br />3. The State shall provide high-level consultation, technical assistance, and advice to local health directors. <br />Broad content azeas include, but are not limited to: <br />^ Board Relations <br />^ Management Teams/Staffing <br />^ Policy Development <br />^ Program Planning and Implementation <br />^ General Administrative Consultation, including consultation and technical assistance in budgeting, <br />fiscal, administrative and management support topic areas. <br />4. The State shall provide coordination and support for the education and training for the public health <br />workforce. <br />5. The State shall provide technical assistance and consultant services, as required, for specific health program <br />azeas, including providing guidance and consultation about specific patient clinical issues, when requested. <br />6. The State shall provide cowse coordination, consultation, and technical assistance on nursing practice and <br />standards, policies and procedures that cross program. <br />7. The State shall provide support and consultation to the public health workforce in local health departments, <br />including regional public health consultants who offer technical assistance and training on professional <br />development; program planning, program evaluation and quality assurance; data collection; and community <br />assessment to local health educators for all public health programs. <br />8. The State shall act as the principal 1zaison between the public health system and the state's Medicaid agency <br />on issues related to Medicaid reimbursed services provided by the state and local public health agencies. <br />9. The State shall cooperate with the state Medicaid agency to provide technical assistance, guidance, and <br />consultation to local health programs to ensure compliance with Medicaid policies and procedures. <br />10. The State shall design and implement annual cost studies to ensure appropriate cost-based Medicaid <br />reimbursement. <br />11. The State shall work with the NC Division of Information Resource Management to provide automated <br />
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