2010-138 DEAPR - Acceptance of Two Grants for Purchasing a Conservation Easement at the Breeze Farm
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2010-138 DEAPR - Acceptance of Two Grants for Purchasing a Conservation Easement at the Breeze Farm
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Last modified
5/14/2018 4:09:11 PM
Creation date
8/4/2010 12:10:16 PM
Contract Starting Date
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Contract Document Type
Contract Amendment
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-15-2010 - 4e
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2010\Agenda - 06-15-2010 - Regular Mtg.
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a. Agricultural Production -the production, processing, and marketing of <br />agricultural crops for the purposes consistent with the terms of the Conservation <br />Easement Deed. <br />b. Forest Management and Timber Harvest -forest management and timber <br />harvesting shall be performed in accordance with a written forest management <br />plan consistent with the Conservation Easement Deed. <br />c. Wetland Pond Restoration and Creation -permitted if it is consistent with the <br />terms and purposes of the Conservation Easement Deed. <br />d. Non-developed Passive Recreation and Educational Activities -permitted if it <br />does not impact the soils and the agricultural operations and is consistent with the <br />purpose of the Conservation Easement. <br />e. Customary Rural Enterprises -permitted on the Protected Property and in the <br />buildings constructed and maintained for the agricultural use of the Protected <br />Property. Customary rural enterprises that require their own buildings are <br />prohibited. <br />f. Agri-tourism -Low impact agri-tourism activities are permitted, such as farm <br />tours, work experiences, field trips, petting zoos, corn mazes, and hay rides. <br />g. Roads -permitted if they are already in place and any new roads necessary to <br />carry out the agricultural operations on the Protected Property. <br />h. Fences -may be maintained and replaced and new fences installed if they are <br />necessary for agricultural operations on the Protected Property or to mark <br />boundaries of the Protected Property. <br />i. Oil and Gas Exploration and Extraction -allowed if the method of extraction <br />is from another parcel, or is limited in the number of wells (one per 320 acres) <br />and the amount of disturbance associated with each well including access road <br />(one acre per well), and thus has minimal impact on the Protected Property. <br />13. Include the following prohibited uses of the Protected Property and any other <br />prohibited uses necessary to protect the conservation values of the Protected Property. <br />The following activities may be prohibited subject to qualification. Other provisions may <br />be added when they are necessary to protect the conservation values of the Protected <br />Property. The introduction to this section of the Conservation Easement Deed must <br />include a statement that all activities that are inconsistent with the purposes of the <br />Conservation Easement are prohibited. For further explanation of these provisions, see the <br />NRCS Conservation Programs Manual, Part 519.64 B. 6. <br />9 <br />
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