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f <br />At the end of six months of program operation and periodically thereafter, the state <br />will use CHIN reports to ascertain actual averages of hausing stability outcomes, <br />taking into account the number and weight of risk factors and the level of housing <br />barriers faced by participating households. Sub-grantees that have housing stability <br />outcomes that are less than 75% of the statewide average will receive additional <br />technical assistance and may have some or-all of their program funds reallocated to <br />high performing sub-grantees. <br />Documentation: CHIN reports, participant files, monitoring reports. <br />XII. Reporting <br />A. Sub-grantees will be responsible for accurate and complete CHIN data entry and <br />reimbursement requests. All CHIN data entry for the quarter must be entered into <br />CHIN by the end of the third month of the quarter. All reimbursement requests <br />must be submitted to HFA by the end of the third month of the quarter. The State <br />will need to process data. and reimbursement requests in order to submit its federal <br />report by the 10~' of the month following the third month of the quarter. <br />B. Sub-grantees will be responsible for submitting accurate information about jobs <br />created and retained on a quarterly basis using a spreadsheet provided by the state. <br />These HPRP Funded Jobs Reports will be due by the final day of each federal <br />quarter. <br />Documentation: CHIN Reports; HPRP Funded Jobs Reports <br />XIII. Transition Plans <br />A. Sub-grantee will begin work with all active HPRP participants in developing a <br />transition plan by month 14 of program enrollment. The plan should ensure that <br />program participants will remain stably. housed once HPRP program assistance <br />has terminated at the end of 18 months. Transition plans will include plans for <br />housing options and stabilization services. Transition plans will be kept in <br />participant files. <br />B. In April 2012, the sub-grantee will begin work with all of its active HPRP <br />participants to draft a transition plan. The transition plan will include plans for <br />alternative housing options and stabilization services for participants. Transition <br />plans will be kept in participant files. <br />Documentation: Participant files <br />Attachment A, pg. 4 <br />Scope of Work <br />