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enrolled into the HPRP program. Copies will be made with names and social <br />security numbers blacked out. Copies will be sent to HPRP Grant Administrator, <br />DHHS, MSC 2001, Raleigh, NC 27699-2001. Copies of additional files maybe <br />requested. <br />B. Sub-grantee will participate in all monitoring activities, programmatic and/or <br />fiscal, state and/or federal, field and/or desk monitoring (materials mailed/emailed <br />in to the state offices). <br />a. At a minimum, participant file monitoring will include review of <br />households that were not enrolled into the program, households that are <br />currently enrolled in the program, and households that have exited the <br />program (unless no households have yet exited). <br />i. Participant file monitoring will include, but is not limited to, <br />eligibility determination and recertification, Housing Stabilization <br />Action Plans, financial assistance determination, financial <br />assistance documentation, referral and follow up documentation, <br />and CHIN consent forms. <br />b. Fiscal monitoring will include monitoring of fiscal processes, financial <br />documentation of expenses, and eligibility documentation in client files. <br />c. Programmatic monitoring will also include review of CHIN data entry and <br />monitoring practices. <br />C. Frequency of monitoring visits may be based on performance as documented in <br />CHIN. Each sub-grantee will be monitored at least once in a calendar year. <br />Documentation: Monitoring reports and participant files <br />X. Spending Rates <br />A. The State must expend 60% of funds by August 31, 2011. Failure to do so may <br />result in recapture by the federal government. <br />B. Therefore, sub-grantees are strongly encouraged to expend 15% of funds by <br />August 31, 2010. <br />C. Sub-grantees that have not expended 45% of funds by April 30, 2011 may have a <br />portion or all of their funds recaptured for redistribution to other North Carolina <br />sub-grantees. <br />D. Sub-grantees must expend 100% of funds by August 31, 2012. Therefore, sub- <br />grantees that have not expended 85% of funds by Apri130, 2012 may have a <br />portion or all of their remaining funds recaptured for redistribution to other North <br />Carolina sub-grantees. <br />E. Sub-grantees are allowed to spend 100% of funds before August 31, 2012. <br />F. Sub-grantees with slow spending rates may have some or all of their program <br />funds reallocated to high performing sub-grantees. <br />Documentation: Fiscal reports <br />XI. Performance <br />Attachment A, pg. 3 <br />Scope of Work <br />