2006 S ERCD - Interlocal Agreement for Hollow Rock Area of New Hope Preserve
Board of County Commissioners
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2006 S ERCD - Interlocal Agreement for Hollow Rock Area of New Hope Preserve
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Last modified
5/25/2011 11:46:17 AM
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8/4/2010 11:38:11 AM
Meeting Type
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Agenda - 04-10-2006 - 9c
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P~ ~ ~ ~/~lb ~~ a6l~ <br />-C <br />INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT <br />FOR THE ACQUISITION, PLANNING AND OPERATION OF THE HOLLOW ROCK <br />PORTION OF THE NEW HOPE CREEK PLAN <br />BY AND AMONG <br />THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, THE CITY OF DURHAM, <br />THE COUNTY OF ORANGE AND THE TOWN OF CHAPEL HILL <br />THIS INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT is made and entered into this the <br />25th day of September, 2006, by and among the COUNTY of DURHAM, a political <br />subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Durham County", the <br />CITY of DURHAM, a North Carolina municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City of <br />Durham", the TOWN of CHAPEL HILL, a North Carolina municipal corporation, hereinafter <br />referred to as "Chapel Hill", and the COUNTY of ORANGE, a political subdivision of the State <br />of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Orange County"; collectively referred to as <br />"Parties". This Agreement is made as an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement pursuant to Part I, <br />Article 20 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes of North Carolina. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />WHEREAS, Duke University ("Duke") owns a 42.8 acre tract of land lying and being in <br />Durham and Orange Counties neaz the intersection of Erwin Road and Pickett Road available for <br />development ("Property") further described as all that certain parcel of land located in Durham <br />and Orange Counties, North Cazolina, owned by Duke University and shown by plat entitled <br />"The Preserve at Erwin Trace" prepared by Triangle Surveyors, dated August 25, 2004; and <br />WHEREAS, Crosland Inc, a development firm, contracted with Duke to purchase the <br />Property for residential development; and <br />WHEREAS, overwhelming and significant community commitment to save this Property <br />for open space purposes led to a grass roots effort to preserve the Property for open space and <br />park purposes; and <br />WHEREAS, in keeping with the surrounding jurisdiction's interest in protection of the <br />New Hope Creek Corridor, Durham County placed a reservation on the Property to evaluate and <br />determine the value and interest the Property has to the surrounding jurisdictions; and <br />WHEREAS, the Property is adjacent to additional lands being acquired for open space <br />protection purposes, including 23 acres owned by the Penny family (currently under option to <br />purchase by the Triangle Land Conservancy, referred to as the `Penny Tract'), 7 acres owned by <br />Orange County, 2 acres owned by the Triangle Land Conservancy and additional Penny lands <br />pledged for conservation easements, all shown on the map attached hereto and incorporated <br />herein, entitled Attachment 1; and <br />lofll <br />
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