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s3 "~ ~ <br />9. Partial Width Right-of-way Joseph and Mary Zaragoza <br />' Mr. and Mrs. Zaragoza wish to purchase two existing houses and surrounding <br />property and proposed a two lot subdivision for this purpose. To provide access, <br />an existing 45-foot easement approximately 17+9 feet in length would be connected <br />to a 50-foot easement leading to the subdivision. A Class C private road (Home <br />Road) is in existence. A partial width right-of-way is needed since the adjoining <br />tract is heir property and all heirs will not grant an additional five (5) feet of <br />right-of-way. <br />Motion was made by Cammissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Garey to <br />approve a partial width right-of-way for Joseph and Mary Zaragoza as requested and <br />approved by the Planning Board. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />10. NCACC Solicitation of Proposed Legislative Goals for the 1989 General <br />Assembly <br />Chair Marshall suggested that enabling .legislation be requested for <br />transfer development rights and real estate. transfer tax. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested that resolutions be written asking for <br />(1) authorization for counties to enforce antilittering laws, (2) authorization for <br />counties to levy and access a variety of revenues and alternatives to the property <br />tax and (3) that unprocessed foods be exempt from sales tax. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that a resolution requesting that all school <br />construction be put under the direction of a general contractor be submitted for <br />special enabling legislation. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner Hartwell <br />'y that the following items be sent to the North Carolina Association of County <br />Commissioners to be included in their proposed legislative goals for the 1989 <br />Session of the General Assembly. <br />(1) antilittering laws <br />(2) unprocessed food exempt from sales tax <br />(3) alternatives to the property tax to include impact taxes <br />(4) transfer of development rights <br />(5) bids under general contractor <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />11. Transportation Assistance for the new OCIM Child Care Project <br />After a brief discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded <br />by Commissioner Hartwell to provide funds in the amount of up to $4,000 to come <br />from the Contingency fund to the new Orange Congregations in Mission Child-Teen <br />Parent Project for temporary transportation assistance through the first meeting in <br />January. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />12. UMTA Section 18 Transportation Contract (13-C Warranty) <br />Geoffrey Gledhill explained that a waiver of the Appendix K requirements <br />from the Department of Labor is not available. <br />County Manager John Link stated that this is a situation where the <br />regulation places certain County employees where their rights of grievance exceed <br />those of other County employees. The likelihood of this becoming a problem is <br />remote. It would only happen if the vans were conveyed to another person. He <br />recommended that the 13c Warranty be approved and that the Personnel Director <br />rev~.ew the situation before any other Section 18 monies/grants are requested. <br />