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~ 3 -. <br />3. Conditions in the area are changing. The site is the only major <br />agricultural tract in the area, and its continued use for <br />agricultural purposes appears limited, considering the availability <br />of a portion of the site for sale and the current ].ease arrangement <br />far agricultural purposes. The alternative to a "master planned <br />development" is the continued development of smaller tracts in a <br />"piecemeal" fashion. <br />Planning Board member Chris Best asked if the applicant could <br />re-submit the entire 575 acre tract for a Special Use Permit Planned <br />Development. Collins responded that the plan must be consistent with <br />whatever zoning is to be requested. The advantage of the approach of <br />requesting transition area far 100 acres rather than the 575 acres is <br />that the range of zoning district designations is being limited to a <br />confined section of the project and the remaining portion remains in <br />basically an R-1 classification. <br />Best expressed concern that the applicant would be given carte blanch <br />for the 100 acres. Gollins responded that even if the transition <br />area designation is approved, the applicant must then proceed with <br />the planned development process which is a very detailed site <br />planning exercise with strict regulations. <br />Planning Board member Sharlene Pilkey asked where the creek drained <br />to and Collins responded that Stoney Creek which runs through the <br />property and exits to the north eventually drains into the Eno River. <br />Pilkey continued, asking if the proposed parkland is suitable for a <br />park. Collins responded that the topography was gentle to moderate <br />slopes. The steep slopes have been deleted from the transition area. <br />Pilkey asked about water and sewer services. Collins responded that <br />if the applicant wanted to develop the tract under the current <br />policy, the entire 575 acre tract would have to be designated <br />transition area. There are options; there could be public water and <br />sewer provided for the 91 acres and the remainder could be wells and <br />septic tanks or some alternative system if approved. Another option <br />is to amend the policy to allow extension of public water and sewer <br />outside of transitian areas. Pilkey asked about the size of the <br />lines in Strayhorn Hills. Collins responded that there is a six inch <br />water line from NC 10 that extends into the main entrance road to <br />Strayhorn Hills. The lines extending off that line are two to three <br />inch lines He noted there that a map was included in the agenda <br />packet showing the location and size of the lines. <br />Planning Board Chair Jacobs asked the rationale for the previous <br />boundary of the transition area. Collins described the boundaries on <br />the map. When asked the distance from Hillsborough, Collins <br />indicated 3 1/2 to 4 miles from the center of Hillsborough to this <br />project. <br />Jacobs asked what would happen if the 91 acres was considered by <br />itself rather than the entire 575 acre tract and economic conditions <br />became such that only the 91 acres originally proposed by the <br />