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~~~ <br />general area of University Station which are in this category; other <br />areas around these tracts are forested or vacant. This raises a question <br />about whether or not a development on this particular site would have a <br />detrimental impact on productive agricultural uses or managed forestland. . <br />Other than Strayhorn Hills, all the area around this tract is <br />low-density, vacant land or land used for residential purposes. <br />Collins noted that comments had been received from the Soil Conservation <br />Service which indicated that the soils on this site are generally <br />Georgeville classification which present no major problems for building <br />site development. <br />The County Attorney has indicated what Collins felt was the major concern <br />regarding this proposal which is the County Policy prohibiting the <br />extension of public water and sewer into areas other than those that are <br />approved transition areas. The Attorney also indicated that unless there <br />is assurance that a public water supply would be available, then perhaps <br />the entire 575 acre tract should be considered rather than just the 100 <br />acres that is presently proposed. The applicant has received a letter <br />from the Town of Hillsborough indicating that they agree, in principal, <br />to serve this project with water and sewer. <br />The Planning Staff recommends approval of the proposed Comprehensive Plan <br />amendment for the following reasons: <br />1. Although the opinions of the County Attorney are sound, alternatives <br />.for the development of the total site (575 acres) exist. <br />a. If the proposed amendment is approved and the availability of <br />public water is assured, the designated Transition Area (91 acres) <br />may be developed utilizing public water and sewer and the <br />remaining 484 acres (excluding open spaces) developed utilizing <br />individual wells and septic tanks. (An option is a community <br />low-pressure ground absorption system if the Alternative Systems <br />Report provides a positive recommendation.) <br />b. The proposed Water-Sewer Policy may be amended to address "master <br />planned developments" of a certain size, where components. of the <br />Comprehensive Plan are implemented, and the character of the area <br />in which the development is located is preserved. Such a policy <br />would allow the majority of a site to be retained in a low-density <br />plan or zoning category while eliminating the long-term potential <br />for septic tank failures. <br />The applicant is aware that unless the Water/Sewer Policy is amended <br />or the use of individual wells and septic tanks is sought, the only <br />option available is submission of a request to include the total <br />tract (575 acres) in a Transition Area. <br />2. Seven (7) of the eleven location standards for application of the <br />Transition Area designation have been complied with, and the <br />remaining standards appear to be met, considering specific site <br />features and/or market conditions. <br />