Orange County NC Website
~~3 <br />Mary Anne Black explained that the Orange County sponsored swim program is <br />_ operated out of private backyard pools. Two hundred to two hundred fifty participants <br />axe served each year. There are four sessions each summer and twenty to twenty five <br />children are turned away each session. She listed the three recommendations which the <br />Recreation and Parks Advisory Council endorse. They are as follows: <br />(a) adequate funding for two public swimming pools be budgeted in the <br />Capital Improvements Program as a separate line item; <br />(b) two pools be financed, one to be located in the central area of <br />the county, and one in the southern area of the county; and <br />(c) the pool to serve the central and northern pants of the county be funded <br />within the next five years and funds for the southern pool be budgeted <br />over the course of the next ten years. <br />In answer to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis, Mary Anne Black explained <br />the problem the department was experiencing in liability coverage for the programs at <br />private pools. She will report back to the Board on the cost of this insurance. <br />Jim Carter, a parent of a swim participate gave a brief statement on his interests <br />and views about the Orange County Recreation and Parks Department sponsored swim program. <br />He stressed the importance of these programs for the children. He feels there is a great <br />need for swimming, to be part of the regular curriculum in the schools. He asked that the <br />Commissioners support not prioritizing the pools out of the CIP. <br />Tom Wells from the North Carolina State Recreational and Resources Service out <br />of Raleigh gave a brief report on the construction costs for pools and on the successful <br />programs involving building pools jointly with the schools, He noted that swimming is a <br />major part of any recreation and parks program. He stressed the economic benefit derived <br />by a complete recreation and parks program. He outlined available revenue sources that <br />may be used to build pools. <br />I F. ITEMS FOR DECISION-CONSENT AGENDA <br />_, Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Chair Marshall to approve the <br />items as listed below: <br />1. C.A.T. Program - Agency Participation Agreements <br />To approve the authorization of the C.A.T. Agency Participation Agreements with <br />JOCCA, OCCHS, Orange Enterprises, OPC Mental Health Center, Wake Opportunities He.adstart <br />and Cedar Grove Day Care Center effective July 1, 198$ through June 30, 1989, and <br />authorize the Chair to sign. <br />2. Driver Contract Renewal with OFC Mental Health Center <br />To approve and authorize the Chair to sign the renewal C.A.T. driver provision <br />agreement with OPC Mental Health Center effective August 1, 1988 through June 30, 19$9. <br />3. Title III-B Aging Service Contract Renewal <br />To approve and authorize the Ghair to sign the contract for Title TII-B Older <br />Americans Act funds with Triangle J Gouncil for Governments effective July 1, 1988 <br />through June 30, 1989 for federal/state assistance up to the amount of $105,544. <br />4. Ambulance-Authorization to Purchase from State Contract <br />To authorize the purchase of an ambulance from the 1988 State Contract from <br />Ashley Vehicle Inc, for the sum of $33,831. <br />5. Forest Service Contract <br />To approve and authorize the Chair to sign the renewal of the annual agreement <br />between Orange County and the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and <br />