Orange County NC Website
~~~ <br />Chair Marshal]. stated that his lettex for the July 5th meeting was submitted <br />into the permanent record of that meeting. <br />SAT SANFCRD spoke in support of the bond referendum. She asked that <br />a <br />something be done just as soap as possible for expansion of the animal shelter as <br />they are reaching critical overcrowding. She supports all three parts of the bond <br />referendum and pledged to work for its passage. <br />BARBARA LONG spoke about the expansion of the animal shelter. She spoke of <br />her concern for the health and well being of the animals at the shelter and its <br />overcrowded conditions. She pledged support for the bond referendum. <br />There were no other public comments made in person or by written statement an the <br />validity of said bond orders or the advisability of issuing said bonds. All the <br />foregoing statements were duly considered by the $oard of Commissioners. <br />