Minutes - 19880719
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19880719
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8/14/2008 11:52:21 AM
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a..~ <br />1. Petition for Addition--Roads in Sedgefield Subdivision <br />To approve the petition from NCDOT for the addition of Fox Ridge Road, <br />_.... Huntington Road (aka Litchford Road), Sedgewood Road, Wedgewood Court, and Wedgewood <br />Road in Sedgefield Subdivision to the State-maintained Secondary Road System. <br />2. Resolution to Apply for and Enter Into Agreement for UMTA Section 18 Funds <br />with the N,C. Department of Transportation (A copy of the resolution is in <br />the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office). <br />To approve the resolution to apply for UMTA Section l8 funding and enter into <br />an agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation and authorize <br />the Chair to sign. This approval was contingent on discussions between the <br />Department on Aging and the Secretary of Labor concerning Appendix K. <br />3. Renewal of C,A.T. Vehicle Lease Agreements (Copies of the agreements are in <br />the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office.) <br />To authorize the renewing of vehicle lease agreements involving the <br />assignment or use of C.A,T, vehicles to participating member agencies effective ,7uly <br />1, 1988 and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />4. RSVP Grant Approval (A copy of the grant is in the permanent agenda file in <br />the Clerk's Office). <br />To approve the ACTION grant award (NGA) No. 440-4768/07 for the retired <br />senior volunteer program for FY 1988-$9 in the increased amount of $26,,010 and <br />authorize the Chair to sign. <br />5. Section 8 Housing Administrative Plan (A copy of this Plan is in the <br />,,_ permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office). <br />To approve a revised Administrative Plan for the Orange Section 8 Existing <br />Housing Assistance Program.. <br />6, Tax Settlement <br />To approve the Tax Settlement on current and delinquent taxes which gives <br />the amount charged, the amount unpaid and the amount collected for 1987 and prior. <br />(A copy of this report is an attachment to these minutes on pages 2.LaD~Zf05 .) <br />7. Victim Assistance Grant Award for FY 1988--Orange/Chatham Child Sexual Abuse <br />Treatment Program <br />To approve the acceptance of YOGA funds in the amount of $34,650.00 <br />and authorize the County Manager to serve as "authorizing official" for the program. <br />8. Medicaid Eligibility Gase Workers at UNC--Memorial Hospital <br />(A copy of the agreement is in the permanent agenda file in the Clark's Office). <br />To approve an agreement with North Carolina Memorial Hospital to provide two <br />Medicaid Eligibility Caseworkers for an site work at the hospital. and authorize the <br />Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br />9. Bid Award--Vote Tabulators <br />To award the bid received from Business Records Corporation, Charlotte, NC <br />for twenty-five (2S) MR/200 Retrofited Vote Tabulators for a sum of $4$,125, This <br />was the only bid received. <br />10. Budget Amendments <br />To approve the following budget amendments to the 19$8-89 Budget <br />
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