Orange County NC Website
i <br />~~ <br />reservoir sites contingent upon approval of the maps by the County Attorney. <br />2. Reappropriation of Funds for High School Expansion/Renovation TChapel <br />_.._. Hill-Carrboro Schools <br />To approve a request from Chapel Hill/Carrboro Schools to reappropriate <br />unused funds from the Estes and Glenwood Schools' multipurpose projects to <br />provide funding for preliminary design work on the high school <br />renovation/expansion project in the amount of $78,546.G.3. <br />3. North Carolina Housine Trust Fund--Incentive Pry <br />To approve the submission of an Energy Conservation and Housing <br />Rehabilitation Incentive Program application to the North Carolina Housing <br />Finance Agency and authorize the Chair to sign the application on behalf of the <br />Board. <br />4. Housing Demonstration Grant Avnlication <br />To adopt a resolution authorizing the submission of a Housing <br />Demonstration Grant application and to establish July 19, 1988 and August 16 as <br />public hearing dates to receive public comment regarding the application. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />G. ITEMS FOR DECISION-REGULAR AGENDA <br />1. Assignment of House and Building Numbers ;, Rural Route 15 - DELETEA <br />2. Pxop_o_sed Subdivision Regulations Text Amendments <br />(A copy of the Text Amendments is in the permanent agenda file and is <br />included in the Subdivision Regulations) <br />Planning Director Marvin Collins presented for Board consideration <br />animals over the past year which is above the limit that can be handled at the <br />shelter. He asked that the shelter be moved up on the five year plan. <br />BETSY UNDERWOOD spoke in support of the pools. As she understands it, the <br />pools have been removed from the bond issue and put on the pay-as-you-go basis. <br />She gave statistics of those who lost their lives by drowning and emphasized that <br />delaying this project will cause the price of the pools to increase. Many <br />children in this County have no place to learn the basic water skills which may <br />save their life or someone else. She described the problems that those in the <br />Chapel Hill Carrboro area have in finding a place to practice. The County is <br />already behind in providing these facilities and with increased growth will fall <br />further behind. She asked that the pools not be thought of as frills but as <br />necessary Orange County services for all citizens. <br />ROGER DALSTON spoke in support of the bond issue with two reservations. <br />First insufficient money is being allocated for school, facilities. Second, he <br />spoke in favor of the pools asking that they be placed high on the priority items <br />for the pay-as-you-go financing. <br />LINDA HOWDEN, spoke in favor of the bond issue. She supports the concept <br />of the bond issue and encouraged the idea that there might be more funding for <br />the schools. She stated that 37 students are in one science lab at the high <br />school and the main concern was safety for the students. She emphasized that <br />water safety skills are life saving skills and pledged support for the pools. <br />LEON FINK served as a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee. He <br />