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~+~~ <br />the revenue will not be adequate and the building will take place and then when <br />the money runs out we will look like some of the schools in Durham County and -- <br />Wake County. He urged the Commissioners to find additional funds to narrow the <br />gap between Chapel Hill Carrboro's stated needs and the present amount that is <br />being appropziated. <br />DEAN DETER spoke as President of the Orange County Cattlemen's <br />Association and also as a teacher and parent. He spoke in support of the Orange <br />County Rural Education Center. He asked that the Board's support of this public- <br />private ongoing venture not be overlooked in the ongoing budget and the capital <br />improvements program. He stated he views the private-public venture as being a <br />very positive program for those small farmers in the County which are being very <br />much hurt by a lack of facilities for the marketing of their livestock. This <br />facility will keep alive the agricultural heritage of this County and it will be <br />an educational facility for the children and adults. <br />DAVID HARVIN spoke in support of including the Rural Education Center on <br />the bond referendum. Chair Marshall clarified that the Center is not being <br />recommended as part of the bond proposal but that the comments heard at this <br />public hearing will be taken into account. Harvin stated that the original <br />concept of this facility has been expanded to include all the citizens of Orange <br />County. He does support the bond issue but hopes the Board will not forget the <br />needs of the rural folks. <br />SUSAN T.AMEREAUX spoke in support of the pools. She spoke of the <br />rehabilitation programs which include exercises in the water that cannot be done <br />because of the lack of pool facilities in the County. She stated there is no joy <br />greater than to see physically and mentally handicapped kids respond and improve <br />by doing things in the water that is impossible on land. Many people are not <br />being served because of the lack of pools. <br />J05EPHINE HARBOUR refexred to a letter written by her husband Stewart <br />which opposes the bond issue. A copy of the letter was distributed before the <br />meeting .to the members of the Board and a copy will be in the permanent agenda <br />file in the Clerk's office. Josephine Barbour spoke against any further bond <br />indebtedness. She questioned the advertisement stating a five point bond <br />referendum and Chair Marshall explained the procedure and time constraints on <br />placing public hearing notices in the newspaper. Barbour strongly opposed the <br />way the money is being divided between the two school systems. She stated that <br />the schools in the Northern part of Orange County have as many needs as those in <br />the Southern end and that maybe merging to help make the systems equal should be <br />considered. The water situation has always been a problem and she asked what <br />happened to the money that was set aside for purchase of land at Seven Mile <br />Creek. <br />Chair Marshall read the first line of each of the five points that <br />Stewart Harbour made in his letter and entered it into the minutes. <br />E. W. VAN STEE spoke in support of the bond issue in general. As a <br />member of the Citizens Advisory Committee he feels the decision on the items to <br />be placed on the bond referendum were made wisely. He spoke on behalf of the <br />expansion of the animal shelter stating that this is an important issue in this <br />County. As the population grows, this brings in more children which brings in <br />more dogs and cats. The animal shelter has dealt with approximately $,000 <br />