Orange County NC Website
~~~ WHEREAS, a public hearing was conducted on February 22, 1988 for the purpose <br />o£ designating and incorporating the Master Recreation and Parks <br />Plan as the Recreation Element o£ the Comprehensive Plan: and <br />WHEREAS, public hearings on the Master Recreation and Parks Plan were <br />conducted on November 23, 19$7, February 22, 19$$, April 19, 19$8, <br />and May 2, 1988; and <br />WHEREAS, following conclusion o£ the public hearings and the receipt of the <br />Planning Board recommendation, the Board of Commissioners wishes to <br />designate the Master Recreation and Parks Plan as the Recreation <br />Element of the Comprehensive Plan: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board o£ Commissioners that: <br />1. The Master Recreation and Parks Flan (Chapters l-7, exclusive of <br />any reference to the capital improvements funding program) is <br />hereby adopted and designated as the Recreation Element of the <br />Comprehensive Plan for Orange County. N.C. <br />Adopted this 5th day o£ July, 1988. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />2. Proclamation of July as Recreation and Parks Month <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner Carey <br />to proclaim July as Recreation and Parks Month as stated below: <br />PROCLAMATION OF <br />"JULY IS NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS MONTH" <br />IN ORANGE COUNTY <br />Whereas, positive leisure experiences are vital to goad physical and mental <br />health, and enhance the quality of life for all people; and <br />Whereas, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners recognizes the <br />benefits derived to the County by offering these leisure <br />experiences; and <br />Whereas, the Orange County Recreation and Parks Department offers programs <br />encompassing a multitude of activities that can result in personal <br />accomplishment, self-satisfaction and Family unity for all citizens, <br />regardless of their background, ability, level or age; and <br />Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners wishes to encourage and endorse <br />the concept of "July as National Recreation and Parks Month" in <br />Orange County; and <br />Whereas, Governor Martin has proclaimed "July is National Recreation and <br />Parks Month" in North Carolina; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED THAT THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY <br />COMMISSIONERS DOES HEREBY PROCLAIM "JULY IS NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS MONTH" <br />IN ORANGE COUNTY. <br />