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.i <br />~~~ questioned what went wrong. The Committee's commitment was for full funding of <br />both the County and the Chapel Hill-Carxboro School System. <br />CHRIS BEST spoke about the one million dollars for land acquisition. He <br />stated that if "water facilities" means further study and regional planning for <br />water resources then he would support this item on the land issue. Howevez, if ~-'~! <br />this is a way for the County to put its stamp of approval on land acquisition far <br />a reservoir then it is very immature and circumventing the public process. The <br />Board of Commissioners need to not ignore the two recommendations from the two <br />water task forces or the Hazen and Sawyer report and look for further study of <br />this. If this item stays on the bond he would vote against it and work against <br />the entire bond referendum. He distzibuted a lettez which is in the permanent <br />agenda file in the Clerk's office. <br />KAY SINGER thanked the Board and congratulated them for seeking <br />authorization for issuing bonds for capital improvements for the County. She <br />assured the Board that she would work to encourage support for the passage of the <br />bond issue. She talked about the mobile classrooms in Orange County and the <br />overcrowded conditions at the schools. <br />MAX KENNEDY as a member of the Orange County Board of Education spoke in <br />support of the pay-as-you-ga basis but realizes that it would be impossible to <br />meet the needs with this kind of funding. He spoke in support of the bond issue <br />and feels it has a good chance of passing. He does not favor the pools either at <br />or away from the schools. <br />BARRY JACOBS spoke generally in support of the bond issue and <br />specifically in support of the animal shelter. He would support the Rural <br />Education Center as a part of the bond issue or as part of the pay-as-you-go <br />package. He spoke in favor of additional water resource development. <br />BEN LLOYD asked if another public hearing would be held and Chair <br />Marshall explained the procedure that would be followed. Lloyd reminded the <br />Board that the propexty tax in Orange County has increased over the last six <br />years a little over 20$ per year on the average.- A thirty million dollar bond <br />issue for twenty years would be a sixty million dollar bond issue. He stated he <br />has. total support for the schools in Orange County. They have been used as a <br />scapegoat because the County has spent money in other areas and then had to raise <br />taxes for money fax the schools. He feels that all needs could be funded on a <br />pay-as-you-go basis. He asked that the Board consider the economic times in <br />putting together this bond issue. He stated that Orange County taxpayers are at <br />their breaking point and asked that the Board consider that everything in the <br />bond issue is not fair. Generally Lloyd opposed the bond issue but there are <br />some parts he would vote for favorably. <br />DON INGRAM spoke in support of the bond issue as it has been presented. <br />It addresses a number of County needs which are all necessary. In particular he <br />supports the funding of the animal shelter. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis read a statement from Don Willhoit which is in the <br />permanent agenda file. <br />With no further comments to be heard, motion was made by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Hartwell to close the Public Hearing. <br />