Orange County NC Website
~a~ <br />Sunrise Road". The area is designated Suburban Residential on <br />the JPA Land Use plan. Single-family Names, duplexes, <br />apartments, condominium and townhouse projects are permitted <br />at densities ranging from one (1) to five (5) units per acre. <br />public utilities and other urban services are to be provided. <br />The Chapel Hill Zoning Flan has designated the entire area R- <br />1 Residential except for a tract west Gf Sunrise Raad and <br />south of X-40 designated R-2 Residential. The R-1 zoning <br />desi_anatXan is consistent with zoning in the Chapel Hill <br />extraterritorial jurisdiction adjacent to bJeaver Dairy Road <br />and properties near Y-4G. The maximum density permitted in <br />an R-1 district is three (3) units per acre in a planned <br />development. The mir,imurn required land area for a residential <br />lot is 17,000 sq.ft. permitted uses include single-family <br />homes and duplexes, churches, and schGGls. The proposed <br />density and permitted uses are-consistent with the JF'A Land <br />Use P 1 an. <br />The maximum density permitted in an R-~ district is four (~+> <br />units per acre in a planned development. The minimum required <br />land area for a residential lot is 1G, 000 sq. ft. Permitted <br />uses include single-family homes and duplexes, churches, and <br />schools. The proposed density and permitted uses are <br />consistent with the JPA Land Use plan. <br />Area #3 - Homestead Road/Eubanks Road Area <br />The area is bounded generally by the Chapel Hill <br />extraterritorial jurisdiction line, N. C. Hinhway 6E, Clyde <br />Road, Mill House Road, the northern ar,d western boundary <br />lines of the landfill site, Eubanks RGad, Roners Read, <br />Homestead RGad, the western and southern boundary Imes Gf <br />the Chapel Hill Hinh Schaal, and Sewell RGad. The area <br />has beer, designated as follows Gn the JpA Land Use F'lar.: <br />1. Public-Private .Doer, SQace - Twa areas have beer, <br />designated far research, educatic+nal, forest management <br />and recreational functions on the JPA Land Use. Plan. The <br />areas include the properties awned by the Ur,iversi-ty Gf <br />North Carolina and properties lactated between the <br />existing and future potential landfill sites. A <br />petition has beer, submitted by the University tG change <br />the designation an its land to "Future UNC Development". <br />~. Extractive/Disac~sal Uses - Desinnated land areas include <br />the existing and future potential landfill sites. <br />.,, Urban Residential -~ One area has been designated <br />far housing with densities rar,ning Pram six (~) tG <br />thirteen (1.r) units per acre. The area includes the <br />existing BraokstGne Aaartrnent cGmplex or, the cGrner Uf <br />N. C. Hinhway 8a and Harnestead RGad. <br />