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.... .............. <br />r"r <br />~~ <br />The Orange Count Planning Staff recommends approval of the proposed <br />_ _ Zoning Plan for the Transition Areas in the Garrboro Joint Development <br />~, Review Area and its incorporation into the Orange Gounty Zoning Atlas. <br />The Soard of Aldermen will be considering the results of the public <br />hearing at its July 12 meeting, the Orange County Planning Board on July <br />18 and the Soard of Gommissioners on August 16. <br />Ken Meardon, resident of Fox Meadow Subdivision, spoke noting that a <br />request had been made requesting that Fox Meadow remain a part of the <br />Rural Buffer. They were told that due to the zoning of one unit per twa <br />acres they would be non-conforming. He recommended that Fox Meadow be <br />rezoned as R-40 which is a Carrboro current designation which would <br />recognize the minimum size lots in Fox Meadow. <br />Phil Post stated that he is part of a group which owns the Highlands <br />Subdivision at Rogers and Homestead Roads. He noted that this <br />subdivision is an R-20 development that he felt fits well with the <br />current Carrboro zoning designation. It is a good example of what will <br />happen in the are that Carrboro is going to rezone. He expressed support <br />for the idea of low density residential zoning in the 1800 acres over <br />which Carrboro will have jurisdiction. He expressed concern for the lack <br />of designation for any activity nodes in this 1800 acres. He felt-there <br />would be a need for neighborhood businesses and the opportunity for local <br />business services. He asked that a study be conducted for <br />the designation of activity nodes. <br />A letter (attached~to these minutes on pages~~~) from Piedmont Atlantic <br />was entered into the record by Chair Marshall. <br />JEF, a resident of Calvander, noted that he felt that basically this <br />Proposed Plan reflects the desires of the people who awn the land. He <br />expressed appreciation for what he felt was a very straight forwaxd and <br />honest plan which is a good compromise. He asked that the greenways be <br />remembered and careful consideration be taken of open space. <br />Eddie Caldwell, Jr. expressed concern that with all the planning going <br />on, he did not see plans for roads, schools and parks. He noted that <br />once designations occur, the lands become so expensive that schools <br />cannot afford to build. He felt that enough thought was not given to the <br />planning of such items as schools and roads before designations of <br />zoning. <br />Marshall responded that some of Mr. Caldwell's <br />concerns could be worked out and some are very difficult to do and plan <br />at exactly the right time. It is a very difficult task to decide when to <br />set areas aside, whether too early or too late or at just the right time. <br />4. Oranze County Zonine Ordinance <br />a. Article 4.1.1 - Town of Chapel Hill Land <br />Development Standards <br />b. Article 4.1.2 - Town of Carrboro Land <br />Develo ment Standards <br />