Orange County NC Website
Action Strategies: <br />A. Work with Durham and Chatham Counties and their recent visioning efforts to <br />develop a "Triangle- West" regional vision and plan, which can be a model for <br />regional planning statewide. <br />The regional plan should: <br />• involve all municipalities, major institutions and counties in the area; <br />• be driven by consideration of environmental and resource limitations; and <br />• develop guidelines for a Growth Budget to allocate scarce resources in each area, and control the amount and <br />timing of growth. <br />B. Lobby the NC General Assembly for a statewide planning mechanism that would <br />require regional planning and local government cooperation. <br />Recommendation 4: Adopt and implement policies embodying a <br />governmental commitment to using the most <br />sustainable technology and practices. <br />(County and Town Governments need to take a leadership role in moving toward <br />sustainability. The following would apply to all area local governments.) <br />Action Strategies: <br />A. Adopt green building standards for all new government construction. <br />Standards should include guidelines on <br />• environmentally sensitive site design; <br />• use of non -toxic or least toxic building materials; <br />• use of materials that can be recycled and that contain recycled content; <br />• energy and resource efficient design; <br />• use of renewable energy sources; and <br />• maintaining good indoor air quality. <br />B. Adopt a policy to systematically replace older vehicles with new low or no emissions <br />vehicles that are alternatively fueled and /or fuel- efficient. The policy should include <br />targets for percent of fleet changed over and a timeline for transition. <br />C. Establish a program to reduce vehicle miles driven by government employees. <br />Measures to reduce vehicle miles traveled could include: <br />• carpooling and vanpooling; <br />• public transportation incentives; <br />• telecommuting; <br />• teleconferencing; <br />• flex -time scheduling to avoid travel during peak traffic; and <br />• other appropriate strategies. <br />D. Purchase products made using fair labor practices. <br />E. Establish a comprehensive reduction, reuse, and recycle program. <br />Such a program should include components for: <br />■ reducing office paper waste through use of the internet where feasible, reuse of paper for scrap or draft <br />printing for personal use, and requiring two -sided photocopying of documents whenever possible; <br />■ purchasing durable, minimally packaged, energy efficient products; <br />■ giving preference to purchasing products containing recycled content, and /or are readily recyclable; <br />