Orange County NC Website
<br />a:.. ' _ •=ra-.. ... ~ ... --r _ • ~ ~ t~i~s ~::Y3.~~ _,~:. _ _ . ~~'e~_..-•iFS~ - =_Cd"-x•'-•~'- <br />Project Title: Orange County Vulnerable Populations Telephone Notification System <br />Overall Project Budget: $51,450 <br />Amount Requested: $41,450 <br />Geographic area impacted by this project (list specific county/counties): Orange County <br />Is this a new project for your organization? <br />® Yes ^ No <br />If No, how long has the project been in existence? <br />indicate the target age group for this project: check all that apply <br />® Infants, Toddlers and Pre-School-Aged Children (ages 0-5} <br />® Children (ages 6-13) <br />® Adolescents (ages 14-18} <br />® Adults (ages 19-64) <br />® Seniors (ages 65+) <br />^ Not Specified <br />Provide a brief demographic profile of the population in the geographic area or community your <br />project will serve including racial/ethnic composition and average household income {maximum two <br />paragraphs): The target population of this project are the members of our community with special <br />needs, and our aging population. The County has 14,398 persons who are aged 5 years or older who <br />report that they have a disability of some type. Of those 14,398 persons, 3,877 persons are 65 years <br />or older. There are 41.7% of the 65 year and older population group who report that they have a <br />disability. The project is also targeted to the Nan-English speaking community which of the 13,409 <br />residents aged five years or older that speak a language other than English, 5,189 self classify as <br />speaking English less than "very well." <br />Although this project is targeted to persons with special needs. in the community, the project will serve <br />all of Orange County which includes a population of approximately 120,000. Orange County has a <br />varied population base, with the primary population concentraion in the southern portion of the county <br />which contains a higher socio-economic level, and a more rural base in the northern end that has a <br />lower socio-economic level, The economic distribution of the 45,916 households county is to the <br />lower economic levels with 41..6% of households in the county making less than $35,000 per year, <br />however the mean household income is $62,971. The racial/ethnic compostion of the county is <br />93,917 selfclassifying as White {alone or in combination), with 24,310 self classifying as a different <br />race brokend into the following groups: 16,999 selfclassifying as Black orAfrican-American (alone or <br />in combination); 1,083 American Indian or Alaskan native (alone or in combination); 5,470 as Asian <br />(alone or in combination); 81 as Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (alone or in combination); <br />and 2,866 as Some Other Race (alone or in combination).. <br />Source: U.S.. Census Bureau. (accessed 1/30/06} <br />