S Grant - Authorize Emergency Preparedness Grant Application to BlueCross/BlueShield of North Carolina Foundation
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S Grant - Authorize Emergency Preparedness Grant Application to BlueCross/BlueShield of North Carolina Foundation
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5/26/2011 10:17:40 AM
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7/29/2010 3:36:04 PM
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13 <br />persons with a disability, 3,877 persons are 65 years or older.. There are 41.7% of the <br />65 year and older population group who report that they have a disability. The project is <br />also targeted to the Non-English speaking community which of the 13,409 residents <br />aged five years or older that speak a language other than English, 5,189 self classify as <br />speaking English less than "very well." <br />This system will assist in notifying predetermined groups, such as the list <br />developed by the Department on Aging that contains over 250 persons who require <br />specialized assistance.. Other lists that can be added to the not cation system are the <br />ones for the Non-English speaking residents, and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing <br />residents. <br />The project consists of procuring equipment and database information that will <br />allow us to make automatic telephone calls to multiple groups, such as during an <br />emergency. We also plan to use this system for day to-day use as well, so all users can <br />stay current on how to use the system., A further result in the day-today use, is that this <br />wiq not be a "one- shot" project. The system is modular and will have the capability of <br />being expanding as necessary.. It is composed of computer haniware and software that <br />can autodial a specific group, such as those on the county's special needs registry, or <br />can dial based on geographic loca#ion, Examples include: if the Department on Aging <br />wished to notify all those on the special needs registry of an impending power outage, <br />they could just activate that group. If Emergency Management wanted to notify all those <br />who lived in a geographic area about a hazarclous materials spill, the activating officer <br />only has to draw a circle on a computer map, and the calling begins. A separate <br />message can be provided to the vulnerable populations, including those that do not <br />speak English as a primary language. <br />Most vendors offer systems that have the capability of a "two-way" interface.. This <br />means that when the telephone call is made, the recipient of the call may hit a button .on <br />their telephone to confirm that they received the message. Some systems have the <br />capability of referring the caller to a human contact if necessary. This feedback option <br />will allow the Department of Emergency Management to immediately know what <br />persons may have not received the information and best target any door to door <br />notifcation that must be implemented. Similar notification projects have been <br />successfully implemented in over sixteen counties or municipalities in North Carolina <br />with great success, such as Wake County, Brunswick, Randolph and Iredeli. <br />Project Implementation and Coordination <br />The project would be implemented according to the following schedule: <br />May 2006-June: Grant award Acceptance by Board <br />June 2006-August 2006: Final research on systems, Bid specifications, release bid <br />October 2006- January 2007: Receive bid, award contract, vendor meeting, installation <br />February Apri107-train on system, publicity, sign up public, test and modify system <br />May 07- Roll out system just before Hurricane season and finalize grant closeout <br />May 07- March 2008- Outcome Measurement, implementation changes as necessary <br />3 <br />
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