Orange County NC Website
Project Summary <br />Orange County is a robust area that contains 400 square miles of land area and <br />has approximately 118,227 residents. The County is at high risk for natural and man- <br />madedisasters. Within the past fifteen years, the County has been impacted by six <br />hurricanes, two tornadoes, four winter storms, one windstorm, and one moderate flood., <br />!n addition to these wide area disasters, the County has also experienced more <br />localized emergencies such as hazardous materials emergencies and lockdowns in <br />schools.. The County is at risk and vulnerable to all types of natural disasters with the <br />exception of tsunami and volcanoes. <br />The proposed project will fund a telephone notification system #o benefit the <br />vulnerable populations in Orange County, such as those on the special needs registry <br />maintained by the Department on Aging, and the non-English speaking population. The <br />project will also provide benefits to the entire county in the event of a large-scale <br />disaster. <br />This system will assist in notifying predetermined groups, such as the list <br />developed by the Department on Aging that contains over 250 persons who require <br />specialized assistance. Other lists that can be added to the notification system are the <br />ones for the Non-English speaking residen#s, and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing <br />residents. <br />The project consists of procuring equipment and database information that will <br />allow us to make automatic telephone calls to multiple groups, such as during an <br />emergency. We also plan to use this system far day to day use as well, so all users can <br />stay current on how to use the system. A further result in the day to day use, is that this <br />will not be a °one- shot" project. The system will also have the capability of notifying all <br />those in the county that have a telephone number on file if the local telephone switching <br />system is operational. <br />Primarily, the expected outcomes from the project include: <br />• To ensure that 100% of the vulnerable persons on the various lists know the <br />speck information issued by the Department, of Emergency Management on <br />protective actions to take during an emergency when that information is released, <br />• To ensure that 100% of those on the-special needs lists who wish to evacuate <br />are evacua#ed whenever an evacuation order is given.,. <br />The project budget is $51,000 for the system with a County Match of $10,000. This <br />budget covers the purchase of equipment, first year lease of the telephone lines, <br />training, and other implementation expenses., The County is requesting $41,450 to <br />implement the system. <br />Project Description <br />Orange County is a robust area that contains 400 square miles of land area and <br />has approximately 118,227 residents. The County is at high risk for natural and man- <br />madedisasters. Within the past fifteen years, the County has been impacted by six <br />