Minutes - 19880621
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 19880621
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i~ <br />(effort to rectify the disparity in the inequity of Funding the two school systems) and (3) <br />land acquisition for a reservoir in northern Orange County (popular item according to the <br />survey results). If the Board wished to add to the bond issue the recommendation would be'~-~'~ <br />to take those items listed as high priority and then those listed as moderate priority. <br />The committee could not come to a consensus on the amount of the bond issue but recommender `'~ <br />that it fall between 20 - 30 million. They recognized that other sources of revenue would <br />be necessary to complete everything in the CIP. <br />The process of deciding which projects should be placed on the bond issue and the <br />procedures that must be followed in that process were discussed at length by the members of <br />the Board and Karen Gottovi. <br />F. ITEMS FOR DECISION ~ CONSENT AGENDA <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Carey to <br />approve the items on the consent agenda as listed below: <br />1. EFLAND SEWER ;FLAN FOR NEXT PHASE <br />To authorize the County Manager to proceed in determining the best methodology for <br />financing the second part of Phase T of the Efland Area's sewer project and to begin <br />determining the cost of engineering and construction. <br />2. GRANT FOR A COMMUNITY-BASED AIDS EDUCATION PROGRAM <br />To approve submission of an AIDS grant for a cou~munity-based AIDS education program <br />targeting minority groups in Orange County and to authorize the Chair to sign. <br />3s TAX REFUNDS RE UEST <br />To approve tax refunds for Corenthia W. Wright, Account #10031 in the amount of <br />$81.31 and Roger W. Cook, Account #1268 in the amount of $23.37. """"' <br />4 LEGAL SERVICES CONTRACT <br />To approve a contract with Anderson Little for fiscal year 1988-89 for legal <br />services for Adult and Children's Protective Services and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />5. CONTRACT AMENDMENT BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY AND U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY <br />To amend the contract with US Geological Survey adding five hundred dollars to the <br />to the cost of the contract and to authorize the Chair tb sign. <br />6. EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT AGREEMENT <br />To approve the execution of the Emergency Shelter Grant Agreement and funding <br />approval form with NRCD and the execution of an Agreement with the subgrantee-InterFaith <br />Gouncil for Social Services and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />7. EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT ~ DECEMBER AWARD <br />To approve the execution of the amended Emergency Shelter Funding Approval Form <br />extending the deadline for obligation of rehabilitation funds to .Tune 30, 1988 and <br />authorize the Chair to sign. <br />8. CONTRACT RENEWAL ~ JAZL MEDICAL SERVICES <br />To approve the renewal of the contract for jail medical services with Orange Family <br />Medical Center through June 30, 1989 for a fee of $6,600 per year; and authorize the Chair <br />to sign. <br />9. BID AWARD _ CONTRACT APPROVAL FOR FOOD STAMPS <br />To award a contract to Cost Containment, Inc, for the direct mail issuance of food <br />
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