Orange County NC Website
T - (cont.) COMPON NT NARRATIVE CONTINUED (attach for each component) <br />(5) Describe the interaction with juvenile court and other referring agencies. <br />Family Advocates connect with parents of youth involved in juvenile court by attending Youth Planning Committe <br />meetings in county middle schools and high schools. Advocates follow-upon service plans implemented at YPC <br />meetings, encourage parents to participate in Family Advocacy parent support groups and parent education trainings <br />to improve parent involvement and reduce youth involement in negative peer groups and illegal acitivities, and <br />communicate with court counselors and YPC Coordinator to monitor youth and parent participation in the service plan. <br />Advocates collaborate with educators at Boomerang alternative to suspension program to identify and meet family <br />needs. Advocates attend meetings between school personnel and parents to facilitate positive outcomes in the school <br />envronment. <br />SECTION,.IV-B THIS. SECTION~OR PILOT COUNTIES .ONLY <br />.FOR PILOT COUNTY LISTING, PLEASE SEE "TIPS" TAB. OTHERS SKIP TO SECTION V. <br />(7) Elevated Risk and Needs: Describe how you will address one or more of the elevated risk and needs of <br />ad'udicated youth in the county. (Please see the county JCPC Request For Proposal for elevated risk/needs. ) <br />(2) Protective Factors: Describe how you will address one or more of the Priority Protective Factors listed in the local <br />JCPC Request for Proposal. <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />