Orange County NC Website
~~~ fit. 3, Sox 6~5 <br />_ Hillsborough, N2 27278 <br />""arch 20, 1988 -_.~ <br />r'Ir. Gene Sell <br />Land Lase Planner <br />0; anae County Planning Department <br />Corbin Street <br />Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br />Dear P'1r. Bell: <br />~~ n <br />^'' EI~1~~Q ~ J <br />~ ~w~~ <br />~:~ - <br />~~ I understand Orange County is revising Its land sae plan for i=fland <br />Cheeks Township, and am writing to urge you to consider changing the <br />designation of the strip of land in ~fland north of U.S. 70. <br />a.s I-40 is completed this fall, the ~fland area can expect a quantum <br />increase in traffic. This is reflected in the current 10-year transition <br />area desianation surrounding ~fland, and in the existing industrial/ <br />commercial designation of much of Btland proper . It i5 clear urban denslty <br />is expected and planned f or. <br />we feel, therefore, that the exclusion of the north side of U.S. 70 in ~ , <br />"downtown" Sfland is inappropriate for the f o]lvwing reasons: . <br />1) The recent addition of the infr2structure of water and sewer will <br />h2sten growth of both sines of L'.S. 70; -.•. <br />2) The traffic battern5 along U.S. 70 will force less residential use <br />on both sides of U.S. 70; <br />3) Tha present ]and-use designation makes the Red Yx Whlte Store <br />akin to "spot zoning;" and <br />4) T he forces shapino ^r owth in file area de,~.and more delig nations <br />to support nor.-ino~~str~al commercial and o; lice uses. <br />In short - ~fland is acing to be 0. anae County's newest town-renter, and <br />there is no designation al lowing ~ or orderly, attr actiue non-1ndL'Strial <br />