Orange County NC Website
any legal or equitable claim, right or remedy. This Agreement is intended <br />for the sole and exclusive benefit of~the parties hereto. Ibis Agreement is <br />not made fox the benefit of any third person of persons No third paxty may <br />enforce any part of this Agreement or shall have any rights hereunder.. Ihis <br />Agreement does not create, and shall not be construed as creating, any <br />rights enforceable by any person not a party to this Agreement. <br />(b) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (c) below, the RECIl'IENT/ <br />SUBGRANIEE shall be solely responsible to patties with whom it shall <br />deal in carrying out the terms of'this agreement, and shall save the <br />AGENCY/GRANTEE harmless against all claims of'whatever nature by <br />thud patties arising out of'the performance of work under this agreement <br />For purposes of this agreement, RECIPIENI/SUBGRANIEE agrees that it <br />is not an employee ox' agent of'the AGENCY/GRANIEE, but is an <br />independent contractor. <br />(c) RECIPIENT/5UBGRANTEE who is a state agency or subdivision, agrees <br />to be fully responsible for its own negligent acts or omissions or tortious <br />acts.. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity <br />by any RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANIEE to which sovereign immunity applies. <br />Nothing herein shall be construed as consent by a state agency or' <br />subdivision of the State of'North Carolina to be sued by third parties in any <br />matter arising out of any contract. <br />(11} DEFAULT: REMEDIES: TERMINATION <br />(a) if any of'the following events occur ("Events of'Default"), all obligations on <br />the part of the AGENCY/GRANTEE to make any further payment of funds <br />her•eunder• shaII, if'the AGENCY/ GRANTEE so elects, terminate, and the <br />AGENCY/GRANTEE may at its option exercise any of'its remedies set <br />forth herein, but the AGENCY/GRANTEE may make any payments or <br />parts of'payments after the happening of any Events of Default without <br />thereby waiving the right to exercise such remedies, and without becoming <br />liable to make any further payment: <br />If any warranty or representation made by the RECIPIENI/ <br />SUBGRANTEE in this Agreement or any pt evious Agreement with <br />the AGENCY/GRANTEE shall at any time be false ox misleading in <br />any respect, or if the RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall fail to keep, <br />obsexve or perform any of the terms or' covenants contained in this <br />Agreement or any previous agreement with the <br />AGENCY/GRANTEE and has not cured such in timely fashion, or' <br />is unable or• unwilling to meef its obligations thereunder; <br />2.. >f' any material adverse change shall occur in the financial condition <br />Hazard Mitigation Page 7 FEMA-DR-1490-0005 Orange County <br />Grant Agreement <br />