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10 <br />requested by the AGENCY/GRANTEE based on information supplied in <br />the pxogr•ess reports <br />the AGENCY/GRANTEE may require additional reports as needed The <br />RECIPIENT/ SUBGRANIEE shall, as soon as possible, provide any <br />additional reports requested by the AGENCY/GRANTEE. The <br />AGENCY/GRANTEE contact will be the Division of Emergency <br />Management Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Project Manager or Hazard <br />Mitigation Specialist for all reports and requests for reimbursement, <br />(b) RECIPIENT/SUBGRANIEE shall provide the AGENCY/ GRANTEE with <br />a close-out report on forms provided by the AGENCY/GRANTEE. The <br />close-out report is due no later than forty-five (45) days after termination of <br />this Agreement or• upon completion of'the activities contained in this <br />Agreement <br />{c) If' all required reports and copies ar•e not sent to the AGENCY/ GRANTEE <br />or are not completed in a manner acceptable to the AGENCYlGRANTEE, <br />the AGENCY/ GRANTEE may withhold further payments until they are <br />completed or may take such other action as set forth in paragraph (11).. The <br />AGENCY/GRANTEE may terminate the Agreement with a <br />RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE if reports ar•e not received within thirty (.34) <br />days after written notice by the AGENCY/ GRANTEE.. "Acceptable to the <br />AGENCY/GRANTEE" means that the work product was completed in <br />accordance with generally accepted principles and is consistent with the <br />Budget and Scope of'Work, Attachment A. <br />(d) Upon request by the AGENCY/GRANTEE, the RECIPIENI/ <br />SUBGRANTEE shaIl provide such additional program updates or <br />information as may be required by the AGENCY/GRANTEE.. <br />(9} MONITORING <br />The RECIPIENT/SUBGRANTEE shall constantly monitor its performance under <br />this Agreement to ensure that time schedules ar•e being met, the Budget and Scope <br />of Work is being accomplished within specified time periods, and other <br />performance goals are being achieved.. Such review shall be made fox' each <br />function, or activity set forth in Attachment A to this Agreement and incorporated <br />by reference herein.. <br />(10) LIABILITY <br />(a) Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer on any <br />other person any rights or remedies. in or by reason of this Agreement This <br />Agreement does not give any person or entity other than the parties hereto <br />Hazard Mitigation Page 6 FEMA-DR-1490-0005 Orange Coanty <br />Grant Agreement <br />