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facility. The purchase or• acquisition of any additional materials, equipment, accessories ox' <br />supplies, or the provision of any tx•azning, shall be the sole responsibility of'Sub-grantee and <br />shall not be reimbursed under this MOA. <br />D. Sub-grantee shall submit invoice (s) for' item (s) received and Payment Package to the <br />NCEM Homeland Security grants coordinator requesting reimbursement., The Grantee will <br />reimburse Sub-gr•autee for• eligible costs as outlined in the applicable USDO.T, O.TP, ODP <br />Pr~ogr~am Guidelines and Application Kits.. <br />E. Maintain inventory control of'all items as outlined in the applicable federal regulations, <br />and the applicable U.S.. DOT Office of',Tustice Pr•ogxams Financial Guide, attached and <br />incorporated by reference herein.. <br />F. Complete the procurement px•ocess not later than APRIL .30, 2006 <br />G. Comply with the applicable federal statutes, regulations, policies, guidelines and <br />requirements, reporting requirements and certifications as outlined in the applicable USDOT, <br />OTP, ODP Program Guidelines and Application Kits and as outlined in the Standard <br />Assurances., <br />H.. All original records pertinent to this MOA shall be retained by Sub-grantee three years <br />fiom the date of'the final Financial Status Report as outlined in the applicable USDO7, O,TP, <br />ODP Program Guidelines and Application Kits and the USDO,T.Offrce of',Tustice Programs <br />Financial Guide, with the following exception: If'any litigation, claim or audit is started <br />before the expiration of the three year period and extends. beyond the three yeaz• period, the <br />records will be maintained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records <br />have been resolved.. <br />VIII. FUNDING AND COMPENSATION <br />The Grantee will reimburse Sub-grantee for,the actual eligible costs incurx•ed, not to exceed <br />$50,000 to procure CIP equipment as described in Annex A of this MOA. Funds will be <br />provided by the Grantee.. The allocation of funds will be from the DO.J/DHS/ODP FY 2003 Pact <br />II Statewide Domestic Prepaz~edness Grant. <br />All terms and conditions of'this Agreement aze dependent upon and subject to the allocation of <br />funds from DOT/DHS/ODP and the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety, Division of <br />Emergency Management for• the purposes set forth and the MOA shall automatically terminate if' <br />funds cease to be available. <br />Allowable eligible costs shall be determined in accordance with the applicable fedex•al <br />regulations, including but not limited to, 28 C.F.R. Parts 66, 67, 69 and 70, and the applicable <br />USDO.T, OTP, ODP Program Guidelines and Application Kits available at <br />htta:// uidelinesinfo htm ,OMB Circulars A-21, A-87, A-122, A-128 and A- <br />133, the U..S DOT Office of.Tustice-Programs Financial Guide available at <br />http://www.ojp.usdo'. ov/ FinGuidel, and the approval of~the SAA FOR THE STATE OF <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />