Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />COURTHOUSE AND AG BUILDING CAPITAL FUND <br />Appropriation - Renovations 11,503 <br />Source - Transfer from Handicap Accessibility 11,503 <br />4. GOVERNOR'S HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAM - MINI GRANT <br />To approve submittal of a mini-grant application to the Governor's <br />Highway Safety Program for Health Yourself, the employees wellness program,.. <br />to be used to implement a seat belt program for county employees and ,--' <br />community members using county parking lots. <br />5. POLICY STATEMENT - HEALTH YOURSELF <br />DELETED <br />G. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />1. AFFIDAVIT - GENERAL CONTRACTOR LICENSING EXEMPTION ;, <br />(See the permanent agenda file for a copy of the proposed ; <br />application form). <br />Planning Director Marvin Collins presented for consideration a <br />proposed affidavit that would allow for an exemption from general contractor <br />licensing requirements. An exemption can be granted to a person who builds <br />a house on property that he owns when the house is intended for his own use <br />after the construction is completed. This exemption is allowed under G.S. <br />87-1 and would be a method whereby the County could document these <br />exemptions and if a contractor violated the provisions of G.S. 87-1, the <br />matter could be referred to the N.C. General Contractors Licensing Board for <br />appropriate action. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to approve the affidavit requirement for unlicensed contractors and <br />the use of the form as part of Orange County's code enforcement program. A -. <br />notation will be put on the affidavit indicating that notary services are <br />available at no cost in the Planning Department so that the affidavit can be ` <br />completed with one trip. ~= `' <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />2. WOODBROOKE._SUBDIVISION -- ACCEPTANCE OF LAND DEDICATED TO ORANGE <br />COUNTY FOR RECREATION, OPEN SPACE,_PURPOSES <br />Marvin Collins presented for acceptance by the Board the dedication of <br />land to Orange County for recreation/open space purposes in Woodbrooke <br />Subdivision. The 8.55 acres i_s located at the end of Meadow Lane and close <br />to a branch of Morgan Creek. The final plat was approved by the Planning <br />Board on October 19, 1987. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hartwell to accept 8.55 acres of land dedicated to orange County and located <br />in the woodbrooke Subdivision for recreation/open space. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />3. SUBDIVISION OF LOT 9 LAKE WOODS - ACCEPTANCE OF LAND DEDICATED TO <br />ORANGE COUNTY FOR RECREATION/OPEN SPACE PURPOSES <br />Marvin Collins presented for acceptance the dedication of land to Orange <br />County for recreation/open space purpose. The 7,023 sq. ft. is located in <br />Lake Woods Subdivision and is part of Lot 9. The final plat for Lakewood <br />was approved by the Planning Board February 1, 1988. <br />Commissioner Willhoit expressed a problem with accepting such a small <br />The issue of what is meant by greenways need to be addressed. <br />Chair Marshall stated that the procedure for accepting parcels of land <br />is provided for in the Joint Land Use Plan. Concerns have been expressed <br />about the area around Neville and Phils Creek and she suggested that this <br />Article in the Joint Land Use Plan be reviewed. She suggested that this <br />small parcel could be used as a conservation easement. <br />