2006 S Purchasing - Contract for Roof Asset Management Program Update
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2006 S Purchasing - Contract for Roof Asset Management Program Update
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Last modified
5/4/2011 9:05:02 AM
Creation date
7/27/2010 3:56:26 PM
Meeting Type
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Agenda Item
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Agenda - 01-24-2006-5p
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Mr. Wayne Fenton O <br />Roof Condition Survey and Asset Management Program <br />MACTEC Proposal No oGRAfL03(1 <br />January 19, 2WG <br />Page 3 <br />Assistance Requested of Orange County Public Works <br />We request your assistance in performing the requested services as follows: <br />1. Arranging for safe access to each roof byway of ladders, a roof hatch, or stairway. <br />2. Arranging for access to the interior of each facility to allow examination of the underside <br />of the roof deck and observe for possible areas of leakage and water damage. <br />3. Providing copies of plans, specifications, reports, etc for our use in performing the <br />requested services. <br />4. Granting permission to take record photographs. <br />5. Granting permission to make and repair test cores. Please note that test cores involve <br />cutting through the membrane, insulation and vapor retarder down to the roof deck for <br />the purpose of extracting samples and making observations. We will make repairs using <br />generally accepted roofing materials and practices, however, due to anticipated <br />detez•ioration and the otherwise unknown physical condition of existing materials, we <br />cannot assume responsibility for the watertight integrity of the roof system nor any <br />resulting damages. Additionally, should a roof be under warranty please arrange for and <br />authorized roofing contractor to witness and repair the test cut or provide written <br />documentation to the effect that our actions will not invalidate the warranty. <br />6. Advising us of your representative with whom we should contact with regard to <br />performance of the requested services. <br />Fees <br />We propose to charge for the services outlined herein a lump sum fee of $13,900. <br />Schedule <br />We propose to begin the tequested services upon receiving your written authorization to proceed <br />and will complete the work within a mutually agreed upon time fi•ame. <br />Authorization <br />Should you accept our proposal, please execute the attached Proposal/Work Acceptance Sheet <br />and return it to our office fot• countersigning, after which we will return it to you. To expedite <br />our commencement of this project, you may fax the signed proposal to us at (919) 831-8136. <br />Please note that our invoice is payable on receipt. <br />MACTEC Engi»ecring an<t Cansuliing, [nc. <br />330{ Atlantic Avenue. Raleigh, NC 27GU4 <br />919-876-0416 Fax: 919-831-8136 <br />
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