Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Halkiotis presented to Lorraine Parker a plague <br />from the Recreation and Parks Advisory Committee. <br />E. REPORTS <br />1. DAIRY CATTLE PRICING GUIDELINES <br />County Manager .John Link reported to the Board on pricing of <br />dairy cattle. Dairy cattle held for the production of milk are taxable <br />because they fall under the classification of manufacturer's equipment. <br />Tax Assessor Kermit Lloyd explained the procedure he followed <br />in determining the value of dairy cattle. He stated that no other county <br />in-North Carolina followed the principals of appraisal, in determining this <br />value in accordance with North Carolina law. His recommendation is that <br />the Board of County Commissioners develop a resolution requiring the N.C. <br />Department of Revenue to determine on a yearly basis the recommended values <br />far all taxable livestock on a statewide basis; to eliminate inequities of <br />livestock valuations across county lines. This resolution should be <br />submitted to the Local General Assembly Delegation and to the N.C. County <br />Commissioners Association Legislative Goals Committee. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis expressed a concern with the classification <br />of dairy cattle as equipment and suggested that the classification needs to <br />be done away with. Kermit Lloyd explained that a lot of the rural counties <br />depend on this tax base and were against deleting dairy cattle from <br />taxation. All taxes paid tv a county for dairy cattle can be deducted from <br />the state income taxes. <br />Discussion ensued on the pricing of dairy cattle and the Board <br />agreed that, although the pricing was done in accordance with State law, <br />that the cows were all valued as coming into the herd when some were going <br />out of the herd. <br />~:..~, <br />;, <br />ROBERT NICHOLS distributed information to the Board. He referred <br />to the information and to the discrepancy in the legal opinions he received-:-; <br />from various attorneys and people in Raleigh as to what the law says. He <br />stated his opinion is that livestock is exempt from taxation. <br />County Attorney Geoffrey Gledhill indicated that in the Statute a ` <br />farmer is classified as a manufacturer and thereby cows used in the pro- <br />duction of milk would be taxable. The solution is a legislative one. He <br />noted that if the method Lloyd used in putting a value on a herd has flaws <br />in it that the dairy farmers would have recourse through Lloyd and recourse <br />through the Equalization and Review-Board. <br />Chair Marshall reiterated the situation and indicated that a <br />decision to change this taxation would not be made this evening. Every <br />effort will be made to come up with a solution that will be fair and within <br />the law. <br />Nichols distributed his "Plan B" which outlined what surrounding <br />counties are taxing cattle. He noted that the assessed value last year far <br />cattle in Orange County was $2,966,295 which resulted in $17,597 in taxes. <br />He asked that if cattle could not. be exempt from taxation that the value be <br />more in line with the surrounding counties in which the farmers do <br />business. <br />NO ACTION WAS TAKEN ON THIS ITEM. <br />2. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CONSOLIDATION AT THE STATE LEVEL <br />This item will be placed on the next agenda. <br />3. CAPACITY USE DESIGNATION - PLANNING BOARD POSITION <br />Planning Board Chair Barry Jacobs presented for the Board's <br />information the position of the Planning Board in regard to the proposed <br />capacity use designation for the Eno River. A statement will be prepared -" <br />as general support for the need for a capacity use designation or a <br />management plan which would accomplish the same purposes, and, if the State <br />