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~~ <br />requirement would be a taking of land without due process and <br />compensation. He expressed concern with the loss of privacy <br />and noted that he knew of no landowners in favor of the <br />greenway portion of the Master Recreation and Parks Plan and <br />asked that the Board not adopt that portion of the Plan. <br />Lloyd Wentler, Bingham Township, indicated that he felt it is <br />not sufficient for this Board to say that it will not use the <br />power of eminent domain to acquire land for greenways and <br />asked that it be put into writing within the Plan that the <br />power of eminent domain will not be used. He indicated that <br />he felt the discontent and hostility that would be created by <br />the. money being spent for the greenways would far outweigh <br />the intent or good that would be created. <br />Chair Marshall suggested and indicated that the Planning <br />Hoard Chair was in agreement that a set of policy statements <br />could be written and made as a preamble to the Plan and <br />adopted as a part of the Plan to address those concerns <br />regarding eminent domain. <br />Pearson Stewart, Chapel Hill resident, expressed support for <br />the principles of the district parks, community, parks and <br />pools. He indicated he had attended the Hillsborough <br />informational meeting and received the impression from the <br />presentation that the greenways portion of the Plan was <br />indeed a long-range plan (ten, twenty, thirty years), and he <br />expressed support for that time frame noting that at this <br />time Orange County does not need the greenways. He continued <br />that with the growth he anticipates for the County, the need <br />fvr the greenways will be great. He noted that the County <br />must be prepared to accept complete responsibility for the <br />maintenance of the parks as well as the greenways system. He <br />addressed the concerns of privacy and security noting that he <br />felt very strongly that a greenway system, which is well- <br />maintained, works to prevent such problems from occurring. <br />He felt that the greenways would be more used by adjacent <br />property owners than those students from Chapel Hill. He <br />indicated he lives adjacent to two greenways which are in <br />constant use and in a twenty-eight year period, he had only <br />experienced one instance of improper use of the greenway. <br />David Baird, Jr., Cheeks Township resident, asked of <br />Commissioner Hartwell if he was willing to donate land for <br />greenways and Commissioner Hartwell seemed to be in <br />agreement. Mr. Baird indicated he felt all questions had <br />been raised and that he was opposed to the greenways <br />proposals. He suggested that land be purchased from Duke <br />University for the creation of one large park and that all <br />other aspects of the Plan be dropped. <br />