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<br />required to put in plants which would have to be removed if <br />the proposed greenway was approved. He noted that while the <br />taxpayers of Orange County recognize the need for public <br />facilities and the upgrading of those facilities, they do not <br />feel that the needs and wants of rural Orange County have <br />been fairly represented by the Planning Department nor the <br />Recreation Department. He expressed concern with the cost of <br />the preparation of the Plan and noted that at the <br />informational meeting held in Cedar Grove that all those in <br />attendance unanimously agreed that all proposals within the <br />Plan should be dropped. He continued expressing the concerns <br />of the rural community of Cedar Grove such as funding, <br />individual landowner liability, property damage and the <br />feeling that the rural property owners are being treated <br />unfairly by the Board. He concluded asking that the rights <br />of property owners in rural Orange County be protected. <br />Chair Marshall asked that the Recreation Director consider <br />seeking a wider representation on the Recreation & Parks <br />Advisory Board perhaps similar to that of the Township <br />Advisory Councils. <br />Barbara Burger expressed concern that the public seek help <br />from the Commissioners in the stewardship of land in Orange <br />County. She indicated she felt that now is the time to <br />implement the Master Recreation and Parks Plan in order to <br />safeguard the rural landscape. She urged the Board to accept <br />and approve the Plan. <br />Tim Blake, resident of Bingham Township, asked how the total <br />acreage for parks and greenways compares with the State <br />average of park allocation per citizen. He indicated he felt <br />there was no need far a district park and greenways in <br />Bingham Township and listed those parks (Carrboro Cvmmuna.ty <br />Park, Jordan Lake, Rerr Lake, Falls Impoundment) already in <br />place. He felt the majority of the users would not be Orange <br />County tax payers. He indicated that he felt there would be <br />very little donation of land and no help from civic <br />organizations in maintaining the greenways. He expressed <br />concern with property damage and the idea of a state-wide <br />greenway linking the mountains to the ocean. He asked that <br />careful consideration be given to this aspect and that all <br />landowners be treated fairly in the deliberations. <br />Gene Williams, resident of Bingham Township, White Cross <br />Community, stated that all of the residents of the White <br />Cress Community are totally opposed to the greenways system <br />being proposed. He asked why the citizens of Orange County <br />had not been sufficiently informed of the proposed greenways <br />system. Chair Marshall responded that it is very difficult, <br />no matter how much it is advertised in local newspapers and <br /> <br />