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This item was deleted from the agenda. <br />G. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />1. RECONSIDERATION OF ANIMAL LICENSING FEES <br />The citizens that spoke and their comments are listed below: <br />WILLARD WARD referred to a letter from Geoff Gledhill dated <br />January 6 which indicated that certain revisions to the Animal Ordinance <br />would be the topic fora public hearing to be held on January 19. <br />Commissioner Carey stated that two of the three items that were <br />recommended by the Board of Health were adopted. These two items dealt <br />with changing the size limits on kennels from 16 to 20 and changing the <br />name of kennels. These two items were approved and the third item which <br />dealt with the licensing fee schedule was referred back to the Board. .A <br />TED LATTA stated he had difficulty in getting a copy of the ordinance <br />and requested that the ordinance be returned to the task force and that <br />another public hearing be held on the ordinance. He feels the ordinance <br />is not properly adapted to the County. <br />Commissioner Marshall stated that copies of the Animal Ordinance are <br />now available at the Health Department and have always been available in <br />the County Commissioners office. She assured Mr. Latta that all <br />information pertaining to this topic is public and open for public review. <br />DAVID DAVIS spoke in opposition of a 200 increase in dog fees. He <br />feels the Commissioners did not listen to those who spoke from rural <br />Orange County and the increase in fees is to offset a $750,000 deficit in <br />the County budget. He stated he would not pay the fees. <br />VERN MILLER stated he disliked having to bear the burden of this tax. <br />He noted that at the public hearings the majority of people spoke against <br />the changes in the animal ordinance but the Commissioners did not listen. <br />.,.. In response Chair Marshall pointed out that changes were made to the <br />ordinance as a result of those who spoke at the public hearing and who <br />were primarily from rural Orange County including the hunters. <br />REVEREND BURRIE PINNIX spoke for the older population and the fact <br />that those on a fixed income would have a hard time paying the fees that <br />are proposed for dogs and cats. He stated that more animals would be <br />abandoned and left to die or left for the farmers to take care of. <br />BEN LLOYD stated that the people of Orange County were not aware of <br />what was being proposed in the new Animal Control Ordinance and that ample <br />opportunity had not been given for input from the citizenry. He asked the <br />procedure for bringing this ordinance back to the Board and Chair Marshall <br />outlined the procedures for an ordinance of this type. She stated that, <br />although the fees have been adopted, the Board is considering .reducing <br />those fees to lessen the economic impact on the citizens of Orange County. <br />MYRA CRAWFORD speaking for a group of citizens from Caldwell, <br />emphasized that there is a need for animal control. She suggested a fee <br />schedule of $5.00 for unsterilized dogs, $3.00 for sterilized dogs, $4.00 <br />for unsterilized cats and $2.00 for sterilized cats. She noted that with <br />lower fees more people will list their animals and make an effort to have <br />their animals neuter or spayed. She suggested that a credit be given to <br />those people who have already paid their fees and that a ceiling be put on <br />how high the fee may go. She asked that consideration be given to <br />lowering the fees and pledged, in return, support for what the ordinance <br />is trying to achieve. <br />