Minutes - 11-01-2000
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes - 11-01-2000
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/17/2013 3:44:14 PM
Creation date
7/27/2010 11:50:17 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 11-01-2000-10a
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Commissioner Brown suggested that this be one of the first agenda items for the <br />Intergovernmental Parks Work Group to consider. <br />Chair Carey would like for a concrete proposal to come back to the County <br />Commissioners no later than their retreat on December Stn <br />Commissioner Brown asked for a chart with the participants of soccer in Orange County <br />showing gender, age groups, etc. She feels it would be good to track the accomplishments of the <br />park bond three years ago. <br />Commissioner Gordon commended the task force for their work. It is a very exciting <br />possibility. She feels as reports come forward that there will be a parks and recreation component. <br />She would like for this to go to the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group and the short-term bond <br />task force. She feels the soccer needs should be dealt with in the short and long term. <br />Commissioner Jacobs feels that this might be a possible goal for the Commissioners <br />because it has social and economic ramifications that go beyond recreation. <br />The Intergovernmental Parks Work Group will address the soccer needs in the County in <br />November. John Link suggested that it be emphasized to the other jurisdictions that it is an item that <br />will be addressed at the initial meeting. The staff will also come back to the Board with some <br />recommendations by the goal-setting retreat in December. <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />a. Local Law Enforcement Block Grant <br />The Board held a public hearing to receive public comment on the Local Law <br />Enforcement Block Grant. The County has received notification of being awarded $12,533 for this <br />year. The federal government requires that an advisory board be established to look at the <br />proposed uses of these funds. The makeup of that advisory board parallels the existing Community <br />Watch Advisory Board created by the Sheriff's Department, so there is no need to create a new <br />board. <br />There was no public comment and the public hearing was closed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br />accept the Manager's recommendation as follows: 1) conduct the required public hearing; 2) <br />approve the Sheriff's recommendation to designate the Community Watch Advisory Board to advise <br />the Sheriff on the use of the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant funds; and 3) accept the Local Law <br />Enforcement Grant of $12,533. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />8. ITEMS FOR DECISION -CONSENT AGENDA <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to approve <br />those items on the consent agenda as stated below: <br />a. Minutes <br />The Board approved the minutes from the following meetings: March 27, 2000 joint <br />meeting with the school boards; March 29, 2000 budget work session; April 4, 2000 regular meeting; <br />April 11, 2000 work session; and, April 12, 2000 JPA public hearing. <br />b. Motor Vehicle Property Tax Refunds <br />The Board adopted a refund resolution related to three requests for property tax refunds <br />totaling $86.76. This is in accordance with the resolution, which is incorporated herein by reference. <br />c. Budget Amendment #3 <br />The Board approved a grant project ordinance and two capital project ordinances for <br />fiscal year 2000-01. <br />d. Policy on Planning and Funding School Capital Projects <br />This item was removed and placed at the end of the consent agenda for separate <br />consideration. <br />e. Classification Plan Amendment -Management Analyst <br />The Board was to consider establishing a new class of management analyst II at salary <br />grade 69, with a hiring range of $33,052 - $40, 173, and changing the title of the existing <br />
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